Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2716 Sister Nian helps block the wine, drink less

Chapter 2716 Sister Nian helps block the wine, drink less
Daji put on a half-smile: "...Let's call him Young Master Ye, I'm used to it."

Ye Wangchuan still looked like that lazy nobleman: "As you like."

Daji found a place to sit down, looked at the table full of people, and said first, "Sorry for being late, is there anyone coming tonight? If not, let's eat first?"

Ye Wangchuan pulled away the chair beside him for the girl, and called the waiter back: "It's time to serve."

"Okay." The waiter began to arrange without saying a word.

Qiao Nian sat down next to him, and immediately had a glass of lemonade in front of her. She glanced at the man's hand that had just been withdrawn.

"I added sugar." Ye Fanchuan noticed that she was looking at him, and smiled softly.

"..." Qiao Nian withdrew his gaze, put his left hand on the chair, and sat sideways in a rebellious posture, holding a glass in his hand, drinking water in a leisurely manner.

A table of people sat down.

The old woman and the silver-haired old man had a tacit understanding as if they didn't know each other, and they didn't speak much.

Cao Yanhua and the others had never seen such a scene before, and they were so embarrassed that they didn't know where to find a topic.

Fortunately, both Qin Si and Daji are more talkative people. The two sang and harmonized the atmosphere, and the atmosphere on the table gradually became much more relaxed.

The waiter quickly brought up a plate of exquisite dishes, steaming steamed meat with rice noodles, stir-fried cabbage with thin green heart, winter melon pork ribs soup steaming...

Qiao Nian picked up the chopsticks, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Mr. Xue and the old woman. His eyes moved, and he said unhurriedly, "All I ordered are Chinese dishes. I don't know if you are used to eating them. If you’re not used to it, I’ll ask them to bring the menu.”

Xue Lao picked up the chopsticks calmly, and said with an open mind, "I just want to try Chinese food."

The old lady was obviously not used to oriental dishes, so she didn't try it for a long time.

Xu Yi on the side put on disposable gloves, wrapped her a roast duck dipping sauce and handed it over, with a gentle voice: "This taste is light and delicious."

Seeing the spring rolls and roast duck he personally wrapped for herself, the old woman relaxed her unaccustomed brows and joined the dinner table.

A meal and wine over three rounds.

Daji was still pouring wine for Ye Wangchuan: "Young master Ye is a good drinker, come again!"

Ye Wangchuan leaned back, allowing him to pour himself another glass, his earlobe was slightly red, his eyes were deep and sharp, he didn't know if he was drunk or not.

Daji turned to fill up her glass, stood up, and wanted to drink again: "Young Master Ye, come on, I'll do it first."

Ye Wangchuan sat there lazily, without making a move, he had already drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing this posture, Qin Si really wanted to help, but he didn't want to intervene because he was clearly going to Ye Wangchuan.

"Young Master Ye? You can do whatever you want." Daji even showed him her upside-down cup.

What is random, in fact, it is Ye Fanchuan who wants to do it.

The man smelled faintly of alcohol, but he didn't say anything, and calmly reached for the wine glass on the table.

At this moment, a hand came across and took the cup in front of him: "I helped him drink it."

The girl's voice was careless and dry.

The lively chatter on the table stopped for a few seconds, and everyone looked in her direction, even Ye Wangchuan was stunned for a second.

Qiao Nian herself didn't think there was anything wrong, she picked up the cup with her white hand and drank it in one gulp, then calmly put the cup back on the table, raised her eyes, and looked at Daji with her dark eyes, she didn't say angry, just casually One sentence: "Drink less."

(End of this chapter)

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