Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2718 Three people entered this time, so you have to cooperate to complete it

Chapter 2718 Three people entered this time, so you have to cooperate to complete it
Qin Si propped his forehead with his hands and called him a good guy, then hid under the table and secretly edited WeChat on his mobile phone to tell Ye Wangchuan the news.

Qiao Nian finished paying the bill outside, and when she turned around, she ran into the man who came out with her.

Ye Wangchuan just finished reading the message from Qin Si, and when he saw her coming, he said in a hoarse voice, "God Qiao, your vest fell off."

"?" Qiao Nian obviously didn't get much meaning.

She stretched out her hand and impatiently pulled down her peaked cap, lowering the brim of the hat, revealing her snow-white chin: "What?"

Ye Wangchuan told about what Daji broke the news to Mr. Xue.

The corners of the girl's mouth were obviously pulled down, and she twitched. Even if Ye Wangchuan was covered with a peaked cap, she could see the speechless expression on her face: "Say it, let's say it."

Qiao Nian didn't know who he learned from.

But Hongmeng has a big mouth - thin waist control!

She suspected that Daji had been hanging out with him for a long time, and she didn't keep the door shut.

"Anyway, people from the Privy Council will find out sooner or later, and I didn't intend to hide it..." She said carefully.

Ye Wangchuan thought the same as her, so he didn't mention Daji again, instead he pushed her against the wall and refused to let her go: "How did you help me block the wine just now?"

Qiao Nian had long been used to him approaching, leaning her legs lazily against the wall, with one hand in her pocket and raised her head: "Well, I think you drank too much."

Ye Wangchuan knew that she would say that, and stretched out his hand to scratch the bridge of the girl's nose: "Don't help me stop drinking next time."

Qiao Nian looked at him impatiently and without understanding.

Ye Wangchuan moved away, with a smile still on the corner of his mouth, he looked lazy and lazy, but his words were extremely firm: "Anyway, I still want to drink in a year, so let's practice today."


What to drink after a year?
Qiao Nian admitted that she didn't understand it at first, but she soon understood.

A year later, she was 21 years old.

Legal age for marriage.

She rubbed her forehead instantly, her tone was quite depressed; "I haven't agreed yet."

Ye Wangchuan shaved her hair, brushed her slender white fingertips over the girl's unruly browbones, and brushed lightly: "Well, I haven't proposed yet."

Qiao muttered a sentence, and then glanced at him again, only one sentence in his heart, but he couldn't say it!

Just at this time, Xue Zhu called and told her that they were ready to go down.

Qiao Nian just got rid of this weird atmosphere, calmed down, and said to someone: "Xue Lao and the others are leaving, let's go down and see them off."

"Okay." Ye Wangchuan just teased her, and followed Qiao Nian very cooperatively.


Outside the hotel.

The driver had already driven the car over and parked on the side of the road quietly waiting for the silver-haired old man to get in the car.

Mr. Xue did not leave in a hurry. He greeted Xu Yi and the others one by one, and then walked up to Qiao Nian. He didn't mention anything about Continent F, but said, "Your procedures will be completed tomorrow."

"Yeah." The girl still doesn't talk much on weekdays and looks cool, but she is quite polite: "Thank you."

Old Xue's expression eased, and he looked at her again and said: "Generally, newcomers will arrange a task to complete when they first enter the Privy Council. This is also a kind of internal inspection of you. In the past, at most one newcomer was admitted at a time, so things are easy to handle. Just finish it." ..."

He paused, glanced at the people next to the girl, and continued: "But this time, breaking the century-old tradition of the Privy Council, three people were admitted, so after we discuss, the three of you will cooperate to complete this mission..."

"I know you don't have a good relationship with her." Mr. Xue hadn't dealt with this kind of conflict before, so he said hesitantly, "As long as the task is successfully completed, you will have nothing to do with it."

(End of this chapter)

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