Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2721 Don't forget the Privy Council that you entered through the back door through your

Chapter 2721 Don't forget the Privy Council that you entered through the back door through your relationship
Ji Ziyin was taken aback for a moment, and then her expression became more and more embarrassing.

Simon just said that he would leave tomorrow, and she didn't need her to see him off. Turning around, John also said he would leave, without any regard for her honor of treating guests.

John did not pay attention to her. Before leaving, he only said something to Simon: "The Chamber of Commerce Alliance also has business in country m. Next time President Simon comes over and tells me that I will do my best as a landlord."

As soon as he left, the box became even more deserted.

Even Ji Xiao couldn't eat it anymore.

Everyone can see that Ji Ziyin is not doing as well here as she said.

Ji Ziyin took advantage of the situation and got up to take the bag, and sat down again in the mood: "Everyone finished eating, I'll pay the bill."

This time Simon didn't mean to be polite. He sat there motionless with a very indifferent expression. It was obvious that he regretted that he was in the wrong team.

Only Ji Xiao went out with her.

"I will go with you."

In the hotel restaurant, Ji Ziyin paid the bill, and when she looked back, she saw Ji Xiao's hesitant expression, feeling a little irritated inexplicably, and twisted her bag: "I won't go there."

"You go back to your residence directly?" Ji Xiao hesitated for a moment; "Aren't you going to talk to President Simon?"

Ji Ziyin was almost annoyed to death, she was not in the mood at all: "Tell them for me, just say that I have other things."

"Oh, good." Ji Xiao didn't dare to provoke her.

Ji Ziyin wasn't in the mood to talk to him anymore, so she walked out after explaining to him.

She called the driver and asked him to pick her up at the door.

Walk out the front door of the hotel.

She got a call on the back foot.

At first she didn't look at the caller ID, she thought it was the driver calling, so she picked it up with a cold tone: "Where are you?"

There was silence for a second.

Ji Ziyin's heart skipped a beat, and when she realized it, she frantically looked at the caller ID, and it turned out to be a shadow.

She hurriedly changed her words and explained: "I'm sorry, I thought it was the driver calling, so I asked, I didn't know it was you..."

Shadow didn't bother with her, and asked straightforwardly: "I heard that you have an appointment with the M royal family for dinner tonight?"

Ji Ziyin's back was stiff, and she didn't dare to say a word: "I have a few friends over to play, and it happened that King John was here, so I called and asked."

She was afraid of offending the person on the other end of the phone, so her heart beat faster.

Biting his lips in humiliation, he said, "I'll pay attention in the future."

Seeing that she was still sensible, Shadow reminded her softly: "The Queen took the trouble to get you into the Privy Council not for you to show off. If you can't do well, we can change people at any time. You have to figure out that you are different from Qiao Nian, She entered the Privy Council on her own, you rely on connections to enter through the back door, since you rely on connections, you must act like you rely on connections, don't cause trouble for the Queen."

Ji Ziyin almost stopped breathing, her face was burning with pain, and her ears were buzzing.

She grabbed the palm of her hand abruptly, and said in a low voice, "I know."

She will climb to the highest point one day, and trample all those who look down on her under her feet!
Shadow didn't continue talking to her, and said indifferently: "According to the rules of the Privy Council, you will cooperate with her to complete a task in two days."

"The task hasn't been decided yet, I'll tell you when it's settled."

Complete the mission with Qiao Nian?
Ji Ziyin still hasn't figured it out.

Shadow said in a cold and emotionless voice: "The empress hopes that you can complete this mission well. Don't you have some research results yourself? Don't let the empress down."

The last few words sound like a warning.

(End of this chapter)

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