Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2764 What are you afraid of, I am not behind

Chapter 2764 What are you afraid of, I am not behind
Jiang Li watched the other party leave coldly, turned around and took the crayfish he had brought, with a smile in his bright eyes under his handsome brows, he pulled Qiao Nian up and said, "Come on, I brought you something good."

Qiao Nian raised his hand to press the peaked cap, and followed behind him: "What good thing?"

"Something you're sure to like!"

After Jiang Li finished speaking, he turned around and greeted Director Li and his party: "Director, I'll go up first, you take your time."

"Okay, you guys go up." Director Li had to stay and deal with everyone's check-in before returning to the room to rest, so he was very enthusiastic and asked them to go back to the hotel room first, and politely thanked Qiao Nian again: " Thank you so much this time, Miss Qiao."

"It's okay." Qiao Nian glanced to the side and said to him, "Then let's go up first."

Director Li waved his hand, smiling all over his face so as not to delay them: "Go, let's go."


On the other side, Mu Yiyi's female assistant, together with her, was going back to her room to put her luggage.

Coincidentally, the two sides happened to touch each other, and they were both in the same elevator.

Mu Yiyi covered her face with sunglasses the whole time, looking quite aloof and indifferent.

Her assistant looked embarrassed after what happened just now, sneaking glances in Qiao Nian's direction from time to time.

Jiang Li has always had a violent temper, and Mu Yiyi put on airs of a big name, so he was even more lazy to talk to him.

Wait until the elevator reaches their floor.

He immediately stepped out of the elevator and said to the girl, "Nian Nian, let's go."

"Yeah." Qiao Nian didn't even look at the two people in the elevator, and followed him out.

The elevator doors closed with a 'click', this time to go to the presidential suite on the top floor.

There was no one else in the elevator, so Mu Yiyi's female assistant whispered, "Yiyi, will we offend Director Li?"

Mu Yiyi's beautiful eyes behind the sunglasses raised her eyes disapprovingly, and put her hand on the frame of the sunglasses: "There are so many directors in the industry who want to work with me, and I can't read all the books. If you offend me, you will offend me."

"But Sister Qing said that if we want to stay in the circle for a long time, we must build a good relationship with the people around us and try to offend them as little as possible." She was talking about Mu Yiyi's manager, who is also one of the big managers in the circle.

A big manager like Ren Qing would not only have one artist under his management, and Mu Yiyi was just one of the artists she brought, so this time Ren Qing arranged for an assistant to follow her, while he stayed in the country to handle matters related to the agency.

The chubby female assistant's face was not very good-looking, and her eyes showed fear: "And we seem to have offended Jiang Li this time. It is rumored that Jiang Li is backed by capital..."

Mu Yiyi frowned mostly in annoyance, and interrupted her: "What are you afraid of, I don't have a company to back me up."

The female assistant showed a thoughtful expression, thought for a moment, and then put her heart down.

What Mu Yiyi said made sense.

Artists in the entertainment industry all have a certain background behind them, especially Mu Yiyi, who is already well-known, has complicated connections and entangled interests.

The boss behind their own entertainment company is not a vegetarian, and it is said that they have an inseparable relationship with the top circles in Beijing.

Just that.

At the beginning, many news about Hei Mu Yiyi were not on the trending searches, and the company gradually promoted her to the position of the current popular floret.

The elevator looked to reach the top floor.

Mu Yiyi waited for her to brush open the gap between the doors, and played with her mobile phone for a while with her hand painted with delicate nails, then suddenly she raised her head and said to the female assistant: "By the way, I just took a picture, help me later Let me post a Weibo."

(End of this chapter)

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