Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2776 Where did your M state background come from in the entertainment industry? It killed me

Chapter 2776 Where did your M state background come from in the entertainment industry? It killed me this time
Su Qing rubbed his temple with one hand, and interrupted him with a frown: "Director Li! We signed the contract. You say it's not appropriate to change people at this time! Besides, our artists specially spare time to shoot movies. Who is to blame for the loss?"

"I've discussed it with the investor." Director Li didn't wait for her to attack, and took the initiative: "We can compensate you according to the liquidated damages in the contract."

Su Qing showed a surprised expression, and it took a long time to calm down.

She walked to the corner, changed her attitude and said in a relaxed tone: "I heard that the crew has some financial difficulties, and I can help solve this... Do you think Yiyi can not change people?"

"Although she has a bad temper and caused trouble for the crew, she is not low in popularity and has a high degree of fan bonding."

"I can teach her a good lesson and make sure that she will obediently cooperate with the crew's arrangements in the future. Director Li, can you accommodate me..."

It's not unreasonable for Su Qing to become a big manager in the industry. His skills are really good. After talking about it, he solved the funding chain problem for the crew, and also hinted that it is difficult to find a suitable artist to replace Mu Yiyi with a temporary replacement...

After her combination of punches, normally even if the crew and director are not satisfied with the artist, they will reconsider Mu Yiyi for the sake of profit...

Who knew that Su Qing was wrong this time.

On the other end of the phone, Director Li didn't think about it, and said in a straightforward voice, "We have already solved the funding problem, and the investor himself can recommend artists he knows to us."

Su Qing's eyes tightened, her throat felt dry: "Who?"

Director Li smiled and said, "You've heard of it too, actress Bai Lan."

Su Qing held the phone now, completely speechless.

Comparing a popular little flower like Mu Yiyi with actress Bai Lan, anyone with a discerning eye knows to choose the latter.

She just didn't expect Director Li to find a big flower of this level in a blink of an eye to replace Mu Yiyi to finish the movie.

It took several seconds before she asked dryly, "Director Li, is that Jiang Li?"

Everyone is in the same circle.

The director didn't want to make it too ugly, so he pointed her out: "No, it has nothing to do with Jiang Li this time, it's the investor that Chase Guang introduced to us. I don't have much to say about other things. The big name has found the wrong person. If you want to solve the problem, you have to apologize to them sincerely. It’s not a big deal in the first place, and there’s no need for the trouble to end up in the end..."

Su Qing was thinking about things absent-mindedly, and didn't listen carefully to his words: "I...understand."

She hung up on Director Li's phone, and hadn't recovered from the feeling that the film was removed.

The phone rang again, this time it was her cousin.

Su Qing thought about the matter of begging her relative before, so she quickly picked it up: "Hey, cousin, that matter..."

She was also thinking about what Director Li said to persuade her, and hesitated whether to continue looking for relationships to put pressure on him.

Who knew that her voice hadn't finished yet.

Her cousin's panicked voice came through and completely suppressed her voice: "Who did you offend!"

"What?" Su Qing hadn't reacted yet, with a confused look on her face.

Her cousin was half dead with anger: "Didn't you tell me about the shitty things in your circle? Who did you offend! I went to find a relationship for you and said that I would come to threaten the other party, but they just called and scolded you I paused and said that all the people they found were detained. You people in the entertainment industry have no M state background, you killed me this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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