Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2791 The person is still in a coma

Chapter 2791 The person is still in a coma

That night Leonard was awakened when he was sleeping, and then he received Lei Kai who was only breathing.

Lei Kai was covered in blood, and Leonard didn't even have time to ask the other party what was going on, so he hurriedly sent Lei Kai to the hospital for emergency treatment.

at the same time.

Ji Ziyin also received a call from Leonard before eight o'clock in the morning.

"Hello, Mr. Lei." She still hadn't woken up at this point, so she picked up her energy and answered the phone, got up and turned on the side light switch, rubbed her face, and said, "What do you need from me?"

Leonard followed the servants to send Lei Kai to the hospital at six o'clock, Lei Kai was pushed into the operating room at seven o'clock, and figured out who did it at eight o'clock.

He walked out of the hospital in a rage and called Ji Ziyin: "You know Qiao Nian, and you know what happened to that Yuan Yongqin? What is her relationship with that so-called Yuan Yongqin?"

Ji Ziyin woke up suddenly from sleepiness, immediately lifted the quilt to get up, and asked cautiously: "Old Lei, what happened?"

Leonard still didn't know that she was involved in this matter, let alone that Lei Kai's idea of ​​moving Yuan Yongqin was all due to her "pointing" behind his back.

He wanted to ask Ji Ziyin about it, so he didn't hide it from her: "Qiao Nian brought a side branch of mine into the hospital, and the person is still being rescued, and the doctor said that even if it is saved, the person will be useless."

When Ji Ziyin heard him say that Qiao Nian brought Lei Kai to the hospital and it was still so serious, his mind went blank for a moment, and he became frightened and uneasy.

How dare Qiao Nian...

Her fingertips trembled, her throat tightened, not daring to let Leonard notice her strangeness and unable to calm down: "She, is she crazy?"

Leonard got into the car and told the driver to go back.Hearing Ji Ziyin's sharp questioning, he said coldly, "I don't know either."

There was something odd about this.

For example, how could Lei Kai think of touching a woman in Beijing.

How could Qiao Nian have such a big reaction, and directly crippled the person and sent him to his door, completely tearing his skin apart.

Leonard also wanted to find out what happened, but Lei Kai was unconscious now, and he couldn't ask anyone if he wanted to.

"Lei Kai hasn't woken up yet, we can only talk about it when he wakes up."


Ji Ziyin was extremely uneasy at first, but couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when she heard this, and propping up the table with her hands, she realized that her legs were so weak that she almost couldn't stand still.

She regained her composure a little bit, her mind turned, and she said slowly: "I don't know much about it, I just know that she has a few people who are very important to her."

"This Yuan Yongqin is one of them. When she was still around the city, she stayed by her side and gave her a lot of help. Later, she moved the company's headquarters to Beijing with her... Anyway, I have known her for a long time. It is her An elder who cares more, she seems to respect this person very much."

Leonard didn't expect that there were such tricks in it, and when he thought of Lei Kai running behind his back to touch Qiao Nian's elders, he couldn't get angry, and wished he could go back to the hospital and drag him out of the operating room to give him a beating .

It's just that he was angry and wanted to kill Lei Kai, and he wanted to kill Lei Kai.

Qiao Nian's actions this time were too domineering.

To have someone send Lei Kai to his home was no longer a matter of giving face, it was simply not taking him seriously.

Ten times, a hundred times more arrogant than robbing people at the airport before!
If he doesn't care anymore, the face of the Leonard family will be rubbed under his feet, so where will he put his old face.

"I see." After he figured out the ins and outs of the matter, he stopped talking to Ji Ziyin and hung up the phone directly.

(End of this chapter)

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