Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2793 Miss Qiao, I found Mr. Yuan

Chapter 2793 Miss Qiao, I found Mr. Yuan
"Send him to the hospital, there is still time to send him there, if it's later..." The old doctor kept begging them with a trembling voice.

"Go away!" The tattooed man didn't agree with this, and kicked him cursingly, kicking him away.

Turning around, he asked the others impatiently, "You haven't called Young Master Kai yet?"

The rest of the people couldn't help shaking their heads.

"No, I can't get in touch with Young Master Kai."

"Me too, since I called him last night, I haven't been able to contact anyone."

"I called seven or eight times, and Young Master Kai's phone was turned off."

Someone was more vigilant, looked at the tattooed man, and said very worriedly: "Brother, something will happen to Young Master Kai, right? Otherwise, why have we lost contact since last night?"

The tattooed man frowned and didn't answer him for a while.

The man continued to pout, motioning him to look at the unconscious Yuan Yongqin: "Young Master Kai valued this woman so much that he asked us to save her life... We won't be able to get through to him later on. I always think something may have happened to him."

"What can happen to him?"

The man murmured, "Where can this be accurate."

The tattooed man interrupted him impatiently: "Okay, he has the backing of the hidden family! Who can touch him? Instead of worrying about this, you should worry about this woman's life..."

Several people are talking.

Suddenly the rolling door outside the door made a sound, and before they could react, the rolling door had been broken and opened from the outside.


"Fuck, who?"

Everyone was shocked.

"Just ask this old man." Some people went to grab the old doctor who was limp on the ground.

It was a mess inside.

Until the shutter door was completely opened, they could see the situation outside clearly.

In the narrow alleys of the block, there were at least seven or eight cars parked. The cars were full of people with guns, and dozens of black muzzles were aimed at their heads.

The tattooed man even saw infrared red dots falling on his temple not far away, which is what happens when a sniper takes aim.

If he moved around at this time, he would be shot in the head by the sniper immediately.

The veins on the tattooed man's neck suddenly bulged, he raised his hands, stopped eating instant noodles, stood up slowly and said to the leading man who came in: "Brother, don't mess around, talk well if you have something to say, Let's talk about it."

Ji Lin jumped out of the car, walked inside, pressed the Bluetooth headset on the cochlea, and reported to the person on the other side: "Miss Qiao, we found someone."

The tattooed man heard Miss Qiao, but he didn't realize the danger.

Seeing Ji Lin walking towards him, he hurriedly said, "Brother, we belong to the hidden family Lei Shao, Lei Kai, do you know him?"

As he spoke, he wanted to take out a cigarette and pass it to Ji Lin.

Who knew that the gentle-looking Ji Lin walked over, raised his eyes and glanced at him, and kicked him in the stomach with one kick, kicking him so strong that he couldn't even get up on the ground.

Lei Kai's people were all terrified, and no one dared to speak.

He himself seemed to be okay, smiled slightly, and continued to read to Qiao: "There is a fly flying by my ear, and I have fanned it away."

"Did you find Aunt Yuan? How is she?" Qiao Nian was not interested in these things, only caring about Yuan Yongqin's safety.

"Immediately, I'll arrest someone for questioning." Just as Ji Lin was about to ask his subordinates to arrest someone for questioning, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a dying woman lying on the bed, and suddenly couldn't control his temper, cursing in a low voice: " These bastards!"

(End of this chapter)

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