Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2800 She thought sister Nian would let her go

Chapter 2800 She thought sister Nian would let her go
Ji Ziyin was directly dragged down.

At first, she was sure that Qiao Nian was just scaring herself, and she didn't dare to do anything to her, so she held her head high, broke away from her captors, and said coldly, "I'll go by myself!"

This time, Qiao Nian asked Guanyan to bring all the people from F Continent. These people have lived in a place like F Continent for many years, and they have long since honed their hearts.

Guan Yan saw that Ji Ziyin didn't know that her death was coming, so she sneered, raised her hand, and said frivolously: "Everyone is deaf, didn't you hear that Miss Ji asked you to let go?"

The tower-like man she brought let go of her hand and pushed Ji Ziyin: "Let's go."

Ji Ziyin's feet fluttered when he pushed her, and she almost fell to the ground.

She tensed her swan face, her face was delicate and cold, she stood up straight and brushed up the broken hair around her ears, then she raised her jaw slightly, and walked forward without looking sideways.

Soon she walked in front of the group of the Leonard family. Lei Kai was already exhaling more and inhaling less when he was tied to the pillar.

Those whips pierced the air, and beat these people again and again. Some people's clothes were ripped off, and their skin was ripped apart.

The blood drops from the raised whip still splashed on her face, Ji Ziyin subconsciously hid back and wiped the blood on her face.

Guan Yan kicked her on the back from behind, Ji Ziyin couldn't bear the force, and fell to the ground as soon as her legs softened.

Her knee hit the ground, and the skin was scratched, and the skin on the knee immediately burned and stings.

Ji Ziyin clenched her lips and before she got up, she heard the woman's cynical mocking voice: "Okay, Miss Ji. You've acted, and it's about time for us. You guys can't waste time just because you want to perform. Isn't it?"

Ji Ziyin was about to stand up with her hands on the ground. She looked at her deeply and said confidently, "Stop doing this. Do you think I'll be afraid?"

She looked in Qiao Nian's direction, then turned to Guan Yan and said, "Lao Lei will be here soon, she won't be too arrogant for long."

Guan Yan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized what she was saying. She covered her stomach and leaned back laughing, and joked with the people around her: "Did you hear what she said? She still feels that the boss is scaring her , dare not really move her."

The other people brought by F continent couldn't help laughing too, looking at her as if they were looking at a fool.

Someone else said with a smile: "He may feel that he has some kind of relationship with the boss, and he can rely on this relationship to get a gold medal for avoiding death."

Guan Yan really patted him on the shoulder when he heard it, and agreed deeply: "Well, don't tell me, if she didn't run to kill people in Beijing, the boss might really look at Ji's house I'm too lazy to pay attention to her."

"However, some people are afraid that the lid of their coffin is not tight enough, so they nail themselves." Her peachy eyes slightly raised, and her tone of sarcasm was everywhere.

Ji Ziyin was humiliated, she clenched her teeth, her bright eyes were cold, and she was about to open her mouth: "I don't rely on anyone!"

With an annoyed attitude, Guan Yan turned around and told the people around her: "Cover her mouth and do it."

She also looked at Ji Ziyin seriously, and said to her: "Aunt Yuan has three steel nails nailed into her left leg, and I don't know when it will be healed. I don't ask much of you, you should pay back what you owe first..."

Two people had already come over to control her, pressing her head down on the ground to prevent her from struggling with pain.

(End of this chapter)

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