Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2817 The truth of the matter is more annoying than imagined

Chapter 2817 The truth of the matter is more annoying than imagined
"Come in." The neat woman in a lady's business suit looked up from her busy schedule and let her in indifferently.

The assistant pushed the door open and entered the office lightly, and said to her, "Mr. Wen, Xiao Wen is here, and he brought a friend over."

Wen Ruxia immediately put down the pen, a look of surprise crossed her dignified face: "Why is he here?"

The assistant said nothing.

Mainly, she didn't know why Wen Ziyu came to look for Wen Ruxia.

Wen Ruxia didn't ask her, she leaned back on the swivel leather chair, slightly nodded at her: "Let him in."

A few minutes later, Wen Ziyu rushed into his office in a hurry, without anyone sitting down, he hurried to her and said, "Sister-in-law, you heard that Uncle Jiang..."

"Stop!" Wen Ruxia propped up her hands and stood up from the chair, got up and went to the water dispenser to get a glass of water, came back and stood in front of the large desk, and looked at him with a half-smile: "You boy won't return the chase Are you just holding wild thoughts?"

Wen Ziyu was taken aback by her joke: "What and what, I'm talking about Uncle Jiang..."

Wen Ruxia restrained her smile: "I know."

Wen Ziyu looked at her again in astonishment: "You know?"

Wen Ruxia took a sip of water to moisten her throat, and then she staggered her eyes, put the cup back on the table, and glanced at him angrily: "Elder Nie and Jiang Li came to see me before you came to see me."

"Then..." Wen Ziyu looked at her expectantly.

Who knew that Wen Ruxia shook his head at him: "Things are not as simple as you think, and there are people behind the other party who are fueling the flames."


"I asked Jiang Li, and he said that when he first found this family, the family obviously wanted money. He compromised for the sake of Uncle Jiang's reputation, and promised to give them 100 million hush money, and the family also agreed to shut up. Who knew that he would go to the family again the next day, but the family made a 180° turn and said that they would not sell their son, and refused to reconcile no matter what they said, they wanted to make the matter into the news! To seek justice for my son."

Wen Ziyu didn't expect that Jiang Li had gone to find the other party in advance: "Why did they turn back on what they said?"

"Isn't it normal to go back and forth?"

Wen Ruxia was much more sophisticated than him, so it wasn't surprising at all. With bright eyes, she said calmly, "These people are just here for money! Whoever gives more money, they will follow their orders. If someone gives more than Jiang Li, they will follow the instructions." Choose to bite back."

Wen Ziyu pinched the palm of his hand, suppressed his anger and said, "So what's going on here?"

"I asked Mr. Nie, and Mr. Nie said that this child often hangs around outside the dormitory of Tsinghua University faculty and staff, and sometimes does not go home at night, often with injuries on his body."

"Your uncle Jiang helped him a few times, and later found that his arms and body were often bruised and bruised from beatings. After asking, he found out that the child was beaten by his parents, and there was no reason. Sometimes the couple encountered unsatisfactory things. He likes to beat children to get angry. Your Uncle Jiang sympathized with this child, and helped him one after another, taking him to see a doctor, to eat, to take a bath."

"It was a rainy day, and the child was beaten again, so he kindly took the child in for one night, and the next day he gave the child the door key, asked him to go home after breakfast, and left him a room for himself. Call him, say to call him if there is something to do, and he will go to work in the school research institute."

(End of this chapter)

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