Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2821 Sister Nian: I changed my mind

Chapter 2821 Sister Nian: I changed my mind

Qiao Nian casually searched Weibo and found thousands of related forwarded videos.

She clicked on the most popular Weibo at the top and played the video.

In the video, the woman with a sallow complexion and a haggard look was crying loudly to the interview camera, crying and fussing about how Jiang Zongjin was not a human being.

Not far away, the taciturn middle-aged man held the child's head and tried to cover the camera, looking exhausted.

The reporter is definitely not willing to let go of this big news.

During the interview process, Wang Guifen was constantly asked to disclose more detailed information, and Wang Guifen also knew the inside way very well.

During the period, regardless of the middle-aged man's obstruction, he grabbed the thin boy with one hand and asked him to describe to the camera how Jiang Zongjin bullied him.

The boy spoke in such a low voice that he didn't look at the camera.

But he still let everyone hear clearly with his voice as thin as a mosquito's feet.

"He sent me to his house."

"I'm scared."

"I said I was going home."

"He won't let me go."


Qiao Nian turned off the video and took a look at the comments from netizens below.

Among them, someone mentioned her and Jiang Li in the first five.

"This professor seems to have a daughter, hiss, it's chasing light."

"Jiang Li is also his nephew, tsk tsk, I said the topic has not been trending, so there is a professional publicist."

"Why hasn't Qing University fired him!"

These are the comments with the highest likes. Many people stood in line without asking why, and they all demanded that Tsinghua University expel the scum, otherwise it would ruin the reputation of the first university.

Qiao Nian roughly looked around.

There are thousands of comments on this video she just watched, not to mention the total number of comments on other similar Weibo videos.

Slender Waist Control also heard some voices on the phone, guessing that she saw the interview video in the afternoon, so he asked her: "Sun, let me black out everything on the Internet."

Slim Waist Control is one of the main members of Hongmeng.

If he makes a move, these voices on the Internet will soon be cleared up.

"Are you ignoring the public opinion on the Internet, and the voices of these people's mouths?" Qiao Nian narrowed his eyes slightly: "As long as they can talk, they will continue to discuss this matter, and they will still say the same thing on the Internet." s post."

"Then you don't care?"

"I changed my mind." Qiao Nian put the tablet back and zipped up the shoulder bag: "I was going to see what they wanted to do, but now I don't want to. Aren't they going to be interviewed? They said they wanted my dad Go to jail?"

"You go to a lawyer, I'm going to go through the legal process with them."

Slim waist control is extremely efficient, and he quickly found the ace lawyer of the largest law firm in Beijing through Fu Zheng's relationship.

The lawyer is also a cheerful person.

Knowing that he was recommended by Fu Zheng, he asked his assistant to make two cups of tea, and learned about the ins and outs of the incident from him.

The lawyer didn't talk nonsense, and said bluntly: "I can accept this lawsuit, but this kind of thing depends on one's mouth, and it is not easy to file a lawsuit."

With a slender waist and brightly colored bird feathers on his head, he raised his legs and said very straightforwardly: "You just fight this lawsuit. Our purpose is not to ask them to pay a lot of money, just to show them."

The barrister took a deep look at him, reacted quickly, and agreed in seconds: "Okay, I will try my best."


In the evening, in an old residential area in Beijing City, men and women quarreled in low voices.

(End of this chapter)

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