Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2827 The dregs are about to be cleaned up

Chapter 2827 The dregs are about to be cleaned up
Wang Guifang rolled her eyes and said, "I turned on the recording on my phone, so don't bully us and scare us because we are uneducated."

"You!" The court staff was annoyed by her choking, and simply walked away and ignored her.

Jiang Zongjin then came in with Qiao Nian.

It was the first time Qiao Nian saw the so-called victim's family. She only glanced at the three of them, and then pulled the chair away and sat down.

Jiang Zongjin also saw Tian Dali's family, but he didn't look at Tian Dali and Wang Guifen, but looked at the child with his head hooked with a complicated expression.

Tian Pengfei never raised his head, let alone glanced at him, as if he was very scared.

He pursed his lips, but did not speak, and chose to sit beside Qiao Nian.

Everyone is here.

The staff also took the documents and sent them to them, then walked to the front and told both parties according to the procedure: "The trial will start tomorrow, and now it's time for out-of-court mediation. If you can reach a settlement outside the court, you don't need to go to mediation tomorrow." Lawsuit. Would you like to mediate out of court?"

Wang Guifen sneered and looked across, probably wanting to see how much Jiang Zongjin was willing to pay to buy them off, so she said slowly, "Whether we want to mediate depends on what he wants, doesn't it?"

She is greedy and wants to eat money from both sides.

Jiang Zongjin looked at her with disgust, frowned, and didn't speak yet.

Qiao Nian pushed forward the document in front of her, stood up at this moment and said, "We don't want to mediate, but go through the legal process."

Her attitude was beyond everyone's expectations, including the staff who carefully reminded: "This case is not easy to go to trial."

"Isn't this still pending? How do you know that it's definitely not going to be tried." Qiao Nian's sharp eyes shaved Wang Guifen's surprised face, raised her peaked cap, and said expressionlessly on her exquisite face, "I want it." It’s not about calming down, what I want is justice.”

"We don't accept out-of-court settlements. Let's see you in court tomorrow." After saying this, she turned to Jiang Zongjin and said, "Dad, let's go."

She is here to respect the judicial process, but she will not change the legal procedures that should be followed.Just because of the family's performance outside the court, she has decided on this lawsuit!

Jiang Zongjin listened to her without saying a word, and left the mediation room with her.

After they left, only Tian Dali and his family were left in the mediation room.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Tian Dali became more and more uneasy, and tilted his head restlessly and said to her, "They don't have any evidence, do they?"

Wang Guifen shook off his hand, reacted, and said contemptuously: "Pengfei is only ten years old, they are suing us, and they have to cry!"

The staff looked at them sympathetically, and didn't bother to tell women like Wang Guifen about the stakes here.

She relied on the young age of the child, but the law is not a vegetable market scolding, and she can turn black and white just by being hot and young.

If people have evidence, they will go to jail.

"Qiao Nian is back?" Weiying's nervous voice became dry at this moment.

Shen Jingyan's home.

Both Wei Ling and Shen Jingyan were at home, and they were relatively speechless at this moment, neither knowing what to say to comfort Wei Ying.

Finally, Shen Jingyan said in a deep voice: "Mom, didn't you say that the Yinshi family asked you to do this? Since they let you continue to bite Jiang Zongjin, they must have arranged a second move. You don't need to be too anxious, contact them first, and look behind them plan. We just cooperate with them.”

(End of this chapter)

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