Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2846 Sister Nian knows about Ji Lingfeng

Chapter 2846 Sister Nian knows about Ji Lingfeng

Qiao Nian looked at the string of numbers on the phone, tapped the missed call with her white fingertips, and was about to call back.

The dim light on the phone screen suddenly lit up again.

She saw that it was still the same string of overseas phone numbers.

"Hello." Qiao Nian picked it up.

She leaned back slightly, put the mobile phone to her ear, and her voice, just after taking a shower, was full of water vapor, hoarse and pleasant to hear: "Who are you looking for?"

She could hear the roaring motorbike and the loud voices of passers-by on the other end of the phone, and the background sound was very noisy.

But these are not as important to her as the heavy breathing coming from the phone.


Qiao Nian looked at the phone patiently.

The phone is still on.

The other party did not hang up the phone.

She frowned, and there was a shadow between her brows: "Can you hear me?"

The people over there seemed to be waking up from a dream, and called out her name in a broken voice: "Nian, Qiao...Nian Nian."

Qiao Nian suddenly stood up from the chair, walked quickly to the window, and said in a deep voice, "Where are you? Didn't you go to State M? What happened?"


A strange street corner.

Ji Nan used the money he got from pawning his watch to call the public phone on the side of the road. The phone booth sheltered the wind and rain outside, but it couldn't cover the storm in his heart.

At this moment, he was listening to the anxious voice of the girl on the receiver, and he firmly grasped the public phone with his hands. The veins on the back of his hands were bulging, and he said with difficulty: "My dad and I were... attacked."

"Where are you now?" Qiao Nian asked him repeatedly with a calm voice as usual.

Ji Nan couldn't stop trembling all over his body, looked up at the world outside the phone booth in a daze, and said, "I'm on the nearest coast."

He doesn't know where this is.

Ji Nan only remembered that before he was forcibly sent away, Ji Lingfeng told him to contact Qiao Nian as soon as he got to a safe place...

As soon as he thought of the scenes that happened a few hours ago, he was so painful that he couldn't think about it.

"I'm on a nearby coast, and there's a, there's a block, next to a jewelry store, the name is, is..."

"Okay, just stand where you are and don't go."

Qiao Nian found that he was extremely emotionally out of control, and didn't force him to reveal the exact location, but said slowly, "Wait for me, I'll send someone to find you right away."

Ji Nan's chaotic heart seemed to be injected with a booster: "Okay."

She has always been an activist.

While Qiao Nian was talking to Ji Nan, he had already walked back to the desk and opened the location search engine on the laptop.

She stood and glanced at the string of overseas phone numbers that Ji Nan called, entered it into the search engine, and the computer page immediately jumped to the search...

The progress bar on the computer screen is still moving forward, and it only takes less than a minute to locate Ji Nan's specific location.

The progress bar is approaching 90%.

Ji Nan on the other end seemed to be trying to control his emotions, talking to her hoarsely: "My dad..."

"En?" Qiao Nian was distracted to listen to him while debugging the computer, trying to find out his exact location as soon as possible.

Ji Nan clenched his fists, and the rain on the tip of his hair and eyelashes turned into water droplets and fell down. He couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears: "My dad is on the yacht, and Uncle He is also on it. That yacht arrived when I was sent It exploded shortly after leaving, and I don't know if the two of them are still alive."

(End of this chapter)

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