Chapter 2856 Ji Nan is back

Night falls.

The nights in Continent F became quiet after the sun went down, but people who lived here all year round knew that night was the best color to protect against danger.

Once the night falls, the danger will also start to move around.

Ji Nan and his party returned to the camp at eight o'clock in the evening.

Their car passed through the most chaotic neighborhood in F continent, and returned to the base camp unimpeded.

Daji had been waiting outside for them to come back.

He heard the guard standing guard outside the door tell him that the convoy at the pier had returned, and he went out to pick them up in person.

When he went out, Ji Nan and his party had just parked their car in the camp.

Daji's subordinates took the initiative to greet him: "Boss, why are you here?"



The others put down what they were busy with, and respectfully stood on the side of the road and greeted him one by one: "Hello, Boss."

Ji Nan didn't close his eyes for more than ten hours in three days and two nights, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes from extreme fatigue.

He jumped out of the pickup truck, the hair on his forehead was messy covering his eyes, and his clothes were also in a mess. The hem of the clothes was casually tucked into the waistband of his trousers, and the other half hung down.

Daji walked up to him, reached out and patted his shoulder.

Only then did Ji Nan stop, looked up and saw that it was him, and finally agreed to speak: "David."

"No result yet?" Daji saw that he had an unusual relationship with Qiao Nian, and treated him very well, so she took the initiative to ask him.

Ji Nan's complexion was not good, his eyes drooped in pain, and he shook his head: "No. There is no clue at all."

Daji gave him another firm hand on the shoulder to calm him down temporarily.Then tell him: "Sun is here, she is waiting for you in the base camp."


In the past two days, Ji Nan's mind was full of the scene of Ji Lingfeng pushing him away, he didn't eat, drink or sleep, and devoted all his energy to saving people.

Daji talked to him for several seconds before his stiff head turned around, and he turned his head slightly, showing a surprised and excited expression: "You said... Niannian?"

Daji quickly raised her hand to stop him: "No, you can call it that, but I dare not call it that."

Boss would be surprised if he didn't kill him!
Even if the boss doesn't care about these things, Guanyan and Siaoyaokong don't chat with him for a long time, and their ears read to him.

He laughed to himself: "She just arrived in the afternoon, right after getting off the plane."

For the first time in these two days, Ji Nan heard the news that he could be happier, and finally showed a young look on his haggard face: "Where is she?"

Daji walked in front: "I'll take you there, come with me."

Ji Nan hummed, and followed without saying a word.


Qiao Nian lives in the camp where Daji usually stays.

The conditions in Continent F are difficult, there are not so many high-rise buildings, and the places to live here are basically tents and simple houses built with iron sheets.

Daji is not short of money.

So their base camp uses more advanced materials, some white materials that are fireproof and bulletproof.

However, the architectural style is similar, and it is also the style of a tent, more like a white yurt.

Since it is a yurt building, it is destined that the area inside will not be too large. The place where Daji lives is about [-] square meters.

There is a sand table in the center of it. Inside the sand table is a miniature map of Continent F, with red and blue flags inserted on the sand.

Qiao Nian was currently studying carefully around the sand table in Daji's room, and an imperceptible mist floated in his eyes.

This should be a power distribution map of Continent F.

(End of this chapter)

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