Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2859 Sister Nian is going to find someone in person

Chapter 2859 Sister Nian is going to find someone in person
Several elders of the Ji family immediately looked at her suspiciously.

Only then did Xie Yun cover her lips with her hand, and smiled across the crowd and said, "I called all my uncles over so late to share a piece of good news with you—Jinan is fine! He just called me to report You are safe, now you are in Continent F."

Several elders in Juyoutang felt as if they had been struck by lightning.

After a brief silence.

Several people immediately started to discuss noisyly.

"Jinan okay?"

"Why was there no news before?"

"Ji Nan is fine, so the patriarch..." Some people were so frightened that cold sweat broke out on their backs.

Xie Yun knew what they were afraid of, and said softly, "Ji Nan stays in Continent F to look for his father's whereabouts."

The elders of Ji's family looked at each other in blank dismay, at least heaved a sigh of relief.

They also realized that their reaction just now was too big, and they made it clear that they didn't want Ji Nan to survive, and each of them explained to Xie Yun with embarrassing expressions: "We are just worried..."

"I know." Xie Yun didn't intend to argue with them.

"..." The elders of the Ji family closed their mouths.

There was another deathly silence in the Juyi Hall.

Xie Yun is not in a hurry this time.

Finally someone couldn't help breaking the extreme silence: "Since Nan Shao is still alive, let's talk about Ji Ziyin."

Xie Yun looked over with slightly cold eyes.

The other party only dared to turn his head away, but did not dare to meet her eyes.

Xie Yun sneered in her heart, she knew in her heart that they were ulterior motives and wanted to replace Ji Nan with Ji Ziyin.

After all, Ji Ziyin has an advantage over Ji Nan in the manufacture of weapons that the Ji family relies on for survival, so if these people insist on talking about this, Ji Nan does not have the advantage.

She didn't show her dissatisfaction, and said with a graceful smile: "Then uncles, wait for Ji Nan to come back."

The next day.

As soon as the sky was slightly bright, Qiao Nian got up.

The air in Continent F is relatively thin in the morning, and when you breathe in, you will exhale a cloud of white mist, and the cold air blows towards your face.

After washing her cold face, Qiao Nian picked up the peaked cap on the table and put it on her head, walked to the window, picked up the shoulder bag thrown on the chair, and took out a black laptop from it.

As soon as she took out the computer and put it on the table, she saw the phone screen flicker out of the corner of her eye.

Qiao Nian took the phone over and looked down: [Are you up? ]
She saw Ye Wangchuan's black profile picture, and then scrolled up to find that he sent her a message at eleven o'clock last night, asking her about Ji Nan's situation.

She was jet-lagged last night, so she took medicine and went to bed early when she felt uncomfortable.

Qiao Nian rubbed his temples, suppressing the migraine that he didn't wake up from, edited the message with his fingertips and sent him back.


In the stronghold of the dark fort.

Ye Wangchuan woke up for an hour.

He had just read the records of shipments in the past few years at hand, when he turned his head and saw his mobile phone light up.

He immediately put down what he was doing and picked up his phone.

Sure enough, it was a WeChat message.

A faint smile appeared on Ye Wangchuan's face, he leaned back slightly on the back of the chair, and read the news with his muscles relaxed.

[Q: Ji Nan is fine.I'm going to take a trip to the sea where the accident happened. 】

Qiao Nian's reply was as simple and clear as ever, without any unnecessary nonsense.

Ye Wangchuan looked at the short reply from both sides, and the corners of his lips were raised all the time, looking relaxed and willful.

With such a happy face, the hairs of those who came in to report to him stood on end in fright, they quickly hooked their heads, lowered their heads and said softly: "My lord, there is progress in the Black Sea area."

(End of this chapter)

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