Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2874 I won't accompany you in, the identity is inconvenient

Chapter 2874 I won't accompany you in, the identity is inconvenient

He said: "Yesterday Leonard paid a special visit to your grandma, and your grandma went with her today."

It was as if a lump of ice had been poured down Jinan's throat, and it was cold all the way from his throat to his stomach, and his whole body was completely cold.

He clenched his fist violently, his face turned blue: "Then my mother..."

Feng Yu's dark face has the wisdom accumulated over the years, knowing what he wanted to ask, he answered him before he finished speaking: "Your little uncle has also passed away."

Ji Nan calmed down a little and sat back: "That's good."

Qiao Nian knew that he must be feeling very uncomfortable, but she was not good at comforting others, so she looked sideways at Feng Yu: "Let's go there first and then we can talk."

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Feng Yu nodded.

Taking into account Ji Nan's mood, he no longer thanked the old lady for her good deeds.

Feng Yu's car soon drove outside Ji's old house.

He usually rides in a low-key Mercedes Benz, but with the license plate number of the First Research Institute, everyone knows that it is Feng Yu's personal car, and no one will stop his car.

The car parked smoothly outside.

Feng Yu got out of the car and said to the two of them: "I'm not in a convenient position so I won't accompany you in."

Qiao Nian took her bag and stood still: "Okay, I'll go in with him to have a look."

Ji Nan also got out of the car afterward, and respectfully bowed to Feng Yu to thank him: "Thank you Feng Lao for sending me back."

"Hey!" Feng Yu sighed again, stretched out his hand and patted him heavily on the shoulder, comforting him: "My condolences will change."

He was talking about Ji Lingfeng.

Independence Island now defaults to Ji Lingfeng's death.

Feng Yu's "sorrow and change" is a kind of recognition and regret for Ji Lingfeng, otherwise, in his capacity, he would not have to say this sentence to the younger generation.

Naturally, Ji Nan understood that Feng Yu had no malicious intentions, so he just nodded slightly, followed Feng Yu's firm eyes and said, "That old Feng, let's go first."

Qiao Nian lifted his peaked cap, raised the end of his eyes slightly: "Let's go."

Feng Yu watched the two of them enter Ji's old house...

Until the two disappeared.

He turned around and opened the door again to get in the car, and told the driver: "Let's go back to the research institute."


The winding paths in the Ji family's old house are deep and secluded.

The centuries-old aristocratic family is not built. The buildings inside are magnificent and magnificent, and they are by no means comparable to the superficial design buildings on the outside.

Everywhere in the building reveals the luxury of careful design.

Ji Nan took Qiao Nian all the way to Juyi Hall.

Along the way, a servant of Ji's family recognized him, let Dao stand aside and called out: "Young Master Nan."

"Nan Shao."

"Nan Shao."

Ji Nan didn't look at any of them, and hurried to Juyi Hall.

He saw Xie Yun who happened to be inside at a glance, his eyes became hot, and he walked in quickly and called for someone: "Mom."

Xie Yun turned her head abruptly.

Seeing Ji Nan who had lost a lot of weight, he couldn't hide his emotions, and covered his eyes with his hands: "You, you're back?"

Qiao Nian then walked in.

She found that besides Xie Yun, there were two other people in Juyi Hall.

One is Nan Tianyi, and the other is Mrs. Xie.

Nan Tianyi's face was full of anger, and when he saw her coming, his expression softened a little, and he raised his hand to greet her: "Nian Nian."

The old lady Xie was not so comfortable seeing her.

She frowned and wanted to leave feeling uncomfortable: "Since there are outsiders here, I'll leave first."

What she said was very unpleasant.

Nan Tianyi was already very angry by her behavior, and immediately stopped her in anger: "Mother-in-law, Ji Nan is back, don't you want to tell him?"

(End of this chapter)

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