Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2886 Who told you to come to me?her?

Chapter 2886 Who told you to come to me?her?
"...In this case, it is a medical miracle for the patient to recover his life! We really tried our best to revive the patient."

"Hey, a medical miracle?" Lu Zhi repeated these four words, slightly lowering his eyelids to cover the emotions in his pupils.

Mustache just wanted to say: "Yes, this is medicine..."

He looked over like a knife's edge: "Do you know what a miracle doctor is? Even at your level, you dare to tell me about medical miracles!"

Mustache blushed from being attacked.

But he was facing Lu Zhi.

Even if he had the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard, he would not dare to walk away in front of Lu Zhi.

The mustache could only hold his breath, and stood there in embarrassment: "Mr. Lu, we are already the top doctors in the illegal area. I don't know what level of doctor you are talking about, but I still have a lot of experience in medicine." My self-confidence..."

"Zhong first class, and the one on the black market."


Mustache looked up.

He saw Lu Zhi sitting in the wheelchair expressionlessly, and immediately lowered his head in depression.


These two people, none of them can afford to provoke.

Zhong Liuliu's family is the president of the Pharmacy Association, there is no one who is a medical student who has not heard of Zhong Lao's reputation!

Another genius doctor on the black market that Lu Zhi talked about did not have such a reputation as Zhong Liuliu.

But they themselves are wandering doctors in the illegal area.

They know better that in addition to those world-renowned famous doctors, many miracle doctors hidden in the dark are the real medical legends.

There are not many such legends.

A genius doctor on the black market counts as one.

He really couldn't compare to these two.

While Lu Zhi was talking, he saw the phone light up again, with Jian Jin's name flashing on it.

He looked at it and didn't intend to pick it up.

The light on the screen brightened for more than ten seconds and then dimmed.

at this time.

He saw that he had one more unread WeChat message.

Lu Zhi picked up the phone, slid open the screen lock and clicked in.

——【Jane: Are you at home?I will be right over. 】

Lu Zhi watched it for a few seconds before calling back.

The first second connected.


Jian Jin could hear the noise of driving on the other side, and she should be answering his phone with the Bluetooth in the car.

"Boss Lu, are you home? I'll come to you right away, I'm on my way."

Lu Zhi held the phone in his cold white hand, his eyes were dark, and he said in a low voice, "Who told you to come and find me?"


Jian Jin was a little embarrassed and didn't answer him.

She changed the subject: "I'll come to see you. Haven't you been in the company for a long time? I want to tell you about T coins."

Lu Zhi guessed the answer from her flickering answer, the corner of his mouth slightly raised an arc, and then fell like a meteor: "If she wants to know, let her come to me by herself."

"..." Jian Jin stepped on the brake, and the car almost hit the seat belt.

She didn't want to worry about it either, so she picked up her mobile phone, turned the Bluetooth mode to public, and couldn't help but emphasize her tone, and said angrily: "Boss, I beg you! You have a little emotional intelligence, okay? Do you think that with her personality, she will come to find you?" Are you? Are you really happy that your relationship is going to be a mess?"

After Jian Jin was overwhelmed, she tried her best to calm down and said, "Besides, Joe didn't look for me. I just went to see you, nothing else. I can't care about you anymore?"

Lu Zhi was silent for a long time.

Jian Jin almost thought that he had hung up, she took the phone away and saw that Lu Zhi hadn't hung up on her yet.

(End of this chapter)

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