Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2893: It turns out that she didn't act according to the original plan

Chapter 2893 It turns out that she did not act according to the original plan

Ji Ziyin could feel that everyone's eyes on her had become less friendly.

She had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "...there are rules in the independent continent, and no harm will happen to unrelated people."

 “Tsk.” The girl was the first to sneer, as if what she said was ridiculous.

 Then he ignored her.

Qiao Nian looked directly at the elders of the Ji family at the entrance of the branch hall, suppressed the blood in his eyes, and asked them calmly: "What about you? Do you think the same as she does?"


 The fourth elder and the second elder looked at each other.

 It is rare for two people to agree on the same thing.

 “People from the Ji family cannot die in vain.” The second elder frowned.

The fourth elder also clenched his hands into fists and suppressed his heavy heart: "I think so too. People from the Ji family cannot die without explanation."

"Oh." Qiao Nian glanced at him and slowly looked away. There was no emotion or anger on his face. He calmly said to Mo Dong, "Just do as I say."


Before Mo Dong left, he passed by Ji Ziyin and glanced at her with a meaningful look.

Ji Ziyin was bumped on the shoulder by him and she almost lost her balance. When she finally regained her footing, her chest heaved and she forced herself to say to everyone, "I'm going to the bathroom."


 A secluded corner at the entrance of the branch hall.

Ji Ziyin took out her mobile phone and made a call.

The other end rang seven or eight times before slowly picking up. "What's wrong with you? Have you finished the matter? Those people in the Ji family should be very impressed by you." Leonard asked her in his usual serious and arrogant manner.

He seemed to be sure that the elders of the Ji family would compromise with Ji Ziyin, and he was even in the mood to hold up the red wine glass and said with a smile: "Have they regarded you as their savior and begged you to take over the position of the clan leader quickly. After all...the Ji family can They can't wait! If they wait any longer, it won't just be as simple as something happening to one branch. There will be troubles to other branches one after another..."

Ji Ziyin heard him talking on the other end, her expression became more and more ugly, and she couldn't help but interrupt him: "Mr. Lei, things didn't develop as we thought before."

Leonard said: "What do you mean? Those old guys from the Ji family still refuse to let go? It's impossible..."

Ji Ziyin told him what happened here.

Leonard took a breath and put the red wine glass in his hand back. He was no longer in the mood to drink. He said angrily: "Didn't I ask you to hand over the leader of the East Pole Organization? Why did you release him on your own initiative? !”

This incident was all planned by him.

To put it bluntly, the East Pole Organization is a knife in Leonard’s hand!

 As one of the three giants of the Privy Council, it is certainly impossible for him not to have his own power in the independent continent.

 The East Pole Organization is the force he has cultivated in the Independent Continent for many years.

This time he did not hesitate to sacrifice one of his cards to create a chance for Ji Ziyin to establish his prestige, but who knew that she would screw it up.

Ji Ziyin also knew that she had not done what they had agreed to do before. She bit her lip and said: "I think the Dongji Organization can still be used, so it would be a waste to destroy it all. Besides, I also want you to cultivate It’s not easy to be alone…”

Leonard smiled but said: "Humph, I think you want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a good sale and bring my power under your command, right?!"

 She let him go as a favor.

That man was very grateful to her.

 Have you become her ‘person’ over time?

 (End of this chapter)

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