Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2907 Sister Nian has already got the painting

Chapter 2907 Sister Nian has already got the painting
"I told you, you can't hold onto that painting." Ye Wangchuan said in a very gentle way.

Lu Yiming's face darkened slightly: "What do you mean?"

He was somewhat angry.

Ye Wangchuan briefly told him about Leonard from the Hermit Family's eyeing the painting, and told him what he had found by the way.

If Leonard can't buy a painting, he might choose to grab it.

"How much confidence do you think the Lu family has to keep this painting?"


Lu Yiming fell silent.

He was even more sure what Ji Ziyin wanted to do when she came to him suddenly and anxiously.

"For you, this painting is a hot potato. It's not convenient for you to give it to anyone now, and few people dare to take it..."

"I can give it to the Hermit Family." Lu Yiming said coldly.

Ye Wangchuan smiled lightly, sounding lazy: "Okay, then you can give it to them."

"..." Of course it was impossible for Lu Yiming to sell the painting to Leonard.

The people in Independent Continent have never been too deeply involved with the Hermit Family. If he wanted to give it, he would have given it a long time ago, and he would not always refuse to give it.

Lu Yiming made a decision after a short consideration: "How do you hold the painting?"

"Three times the price." Ye Wangchuan was quite generous.

Lu Yiming originally thought that he might have to give it for free. After all, this painting cost him a lot of money. Before Leonard's people said they were buying it, the price they gave was less than one-tenth of the painting's price. different!

Lu Yiming has always been a rare person in the Lu family who has a bit of backbone, so he is also very dissatisfied with this: "You want to pay three times the price?"

"Didn't I buy paintings? You have to show some sincerity, don't you?" Ye Wangchuan didn't waste time with him: "At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, someone will come to pick up paintings from you at the coffee shop outside the Intercontinental Hotel. On the painting belt, I will transfer the money to you now."

Yaomen is not short of money.

He is not short of money.

It's just a painting.

Although the painting itself is worth sky-high prices, Ye Wangchuan lacks everything, even a little money.

Lu Yiming's phone made a 'ding' sound, and when he took it away, he saw a sum of money credited into his account.

Everyone is so polite.

He is also not good at procrastinating.

He pursed his lips and said, "Ten o'clock tomorrow morning, right? I'll be there on time."

the next day.

ten in the morning.

Qiao Nian didn't go to the research institute, but arrived at the coffee shop on time.

Lu Yiming was already sitting by the window, and beside him was something the size of a drawing board wrapped in a white cloth.

Qiao Nian narrowed her eyes and walked into the coffee shop.


The clerk greeted her warmly: "What would you like to drink?"

"A glass of lemonade with ice." Qiao Nian walked inside, walked straight to Lu Yiming's desk, dragged the chair across from him and sat down: "Sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road, so I'm a few minutes late."

Lu Yiming had been waiting for the person who Ye Fanchuan said he wanted to pick up the painting, but he didn't expect to see a girl sitting opposite him.

Qiao Nian's iconic peaked cap was so eye-catching, he recognized the person opposite at a glance.

"You?" Lu Yiming was a little surprised.

It happened that the clerk brought the lemonade over.

Qiao Nian bit the straw and took a sip of water, then looked up at him: "Where's the painting? Did you bring it?"

Lu Yiming silently put the painting on the table, and lifted the white cloth for her to check: "This is it, take a look."

Qiao Nian only glanced at it briefly, then pulled up the canvas beside him and covered it with oil paint, then got up and said to him, "Someone will ask you when you go back, and they will say that I stole your painting."

(End of this chapter)

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