Chapter 2929 A sudden accident!
He looked at the girl with extremely cold eyes, and warned in a low voice: "I don't know where you heard this name... But Qiao Nian, if you're smart, you'd better not ask, it won't do you any good."

"I just like to take risks." The girl pursed her lips frivolously, quite casually.

Seeing her like this, Leonard squinted his eyes, remembering his power that had been defeated in Independent Continent, and sneered: "You can tell me if you want to know."

Qiao Nian looked at him seriously: "So Nie Qixing is Nie Qingru's illegitimate son?"

"An illegitimate child?" Leonard laughed loudly as if hearing a big joke, "So you thought so too."

At first, he also thought that Nie Qixing was Nie Qingru's illegitimate son, but later he discovered something more interesting.

Qiao Nian frowned watching him laugh.

After Leonard finished laughing, he said in a deep voice, "It doesn't matter if I tell you, anyway, only the two of us can hear it here. If you want to kill yourself, I won't stop you. Actually, Nie..."

Qiao Nian held her breath, her heart clenched slightly, and she focused on waiting for him to reveal the answer.

at this time.

There was only a faint sound of breaking wind in the air.

Out of the corner of Qiao Nian's eyes, he saw the incoming bullet. While dodging instinctively, he subconsciously threw himself at the person facing him: "Be careful!"

This accident came too fast!
None of Leonard, Leonard's confidants, Feng Yu and Ye Wangchuan in the car reacted.

He saw the hook-nosed old man was shot in the chest and fell straight backwards.

Shock was written all over his face, and he stared at the girl who rushed over with his eyes wide open, obviously extremely surprised.

Then there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

As soon as Qiao Nian's fingertips touched the corner of his clothes, he fell to the ground in front of her.

And Qiao Nian was standing face to face with him talking, when the bullet hit his chest, the blood that burst out splashed directly on her face.

Warm blood, plus she was so close.

All this looks as if it has been premeditated!
"Old Lei!" Leonard's confidant was stunned by the scene in front of him, dropped his cigarette butt, and ran over like crazy.

Leonard had already closed his eyes, leaving only half a breath.

He squatted on the ground and tried the breath of the hooked-nosed old man, his face lost all blood, his face was white, and he suddenly raised his head to look in the direction of the girl: "You dare to sneak attack?!"

Qiao Nian was indeed caught off guard by this sudden change, but she calmed down quickly, wiped the blood off her face, and said expressionlessly, "Would you believe me if I said that this matter has nothing to do with me?"

"Oh, do you think I believe it?!" Leonard's confidant laughed back in anger, and hurriedly called someone outside to come in, and called 120 by the way.

Ye Wangchuan and Feng Yu also got out of the car and walked over here quickly.

Feng Yu was also stunned when he saw Leonard who was on the verge of life and death: "What happened? How did it suddenly become like this?"

Ye Wangchuan didn't ask this question, but checked the girl up and down without saying a word, and made sure that the blood on her body was all Leonard's, and she was not injured, so she let go of her hanging heart.Turning back and following Feng Yu, "There are snipers."

Feng Yu was dumbfounded again: " could it be? Who arranged the sniper?"

They didn't deploy snipers.

But if it was someone arranged by Leonard, how could he shoot Leonard?It doesn't make sense at all!
Leonard's people outside quickly flooded in, and under the orders of his confidant, they were sent out in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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