Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2932 Leonard's situation is not optimistic

Chapter 2932 Leonard's situation is not optimistic


The outside of the emergency room was almost surrounded by members of the Leonard family, and ordinary patients and family members could not get close at all.

Half an hour later, Ji Ziyin arrived late.

"I'm here to see Mr. Lei." She walked up to the guard in the corridor and said in a deep voice.

The guards stopped her: "People who are not members of the Hermit family are not allowed to come near here!"

Ji Ziyin was stopped outside and was anxiously trying to figure out how to get in.

It happened that Lei Ting came to look for the doctor, and when he saw her standing outside, he walked over and said to the guards: "Miss Ji is one of my own, let her come here."

Only then did the guards put down their hands and turned sideways to make way.

Ji Ziyin breathed a sigh of relief, and walked over: "I heard that Mr. Lei was attacked. How is he? Are you okay?"

She was nervous and worried, her hair was disheveled, and her clothes were changed temporarily. She seemed to rush to the hospital after getting the news.

Lei Ting's expression softened slightly: "In the emergency room, the operation is still underway. Now Lei Lao's situation is still unclear."

Ji Ziyin immediately said: "So serious?"

Lei Ting didn't want to reveal too much to her, and his eyes dodged: "Mr. Lei was shot."

"..." Ji Ziyin gasped after hearing this, as if extremely shocked.

Lei Ting was still holding the operation risk notice in his hand and wanted to find a doctor, so he said as he walked, "I'll ask the doctor what this means first."

"Since you're here, just wait there." He was talking about outside the operating room, where there were still a few of Leonard's men who brought the independent continent to wait anxiously.

Ji Ziyin saw that he was going to be busy, so she nodded cooperatively: "Okay, you are busy first."

She walked outside the operating room by herself.

The operating room was lit with a red light with the words in operation on it.

The few people brought by Leonard were waiting outside anxiously at the moment, and when they saw Ji Ziyin approaching, they didn't react much.

Obviously he didn't take Ji Ziyin seriously, and he didn't want to talk to her at this time.

Ji Ziyin was very obedient, she found a corner by herself, and instead of going up to strike up a conversation, she asked someone to ask questions.

After a while, Reiting came back.

His face was much more gloomy than before, and as he walked over quickly, there was a tense atmosphere in the air.

"Brother Ting, what did the doctor say?"

"How is Mr. Lei doing inside?"

People from the Leonard family surrounded him and asked him.

Lei Ting glanced at everyone's faces, his eyes were heavy, and he pursed his lips and said, "The doctor said that Mr. Lei's situation is not optimistic."

As soon as the words came out.

A heavy atmosphere floated in the air.

Everyone's complexion changed slightly, and everyone fell silent.

Ji Ziyin was also among these people, but she only occupied a small corner, so she was smart enough not to surround her.

When she heard Lei Ting's words, a sneer quickly crossed her face, and she quickly covered her real emotions at that moment with anxiety.

After half an hour.

Someone from the Leonard family kicked over the trash can next to it, and said angrily: "Damn, their Ji family is too deceitful! Mr. Lei has something wrong, and I will never let that damned woman go! What about the direct line of the Ji family?" ? Can the direct line of the Ji family engage in sneak attacks without morality?!"

The others who were driven by him were also furious.

Lei Ting stopped them with a sullen face and indifferent eyes: "Enough! What's the fuss, the operation is still going on inside."

Some people are not popular, pointing to the operating room: "Brother Ting, do we have to hold back this breath?"

(End of this chapter)

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