Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2934 Independent Continent is going to change

Chapter 2934 Independent Continent is going to change

It was impossible for Nie Qingru to know in advance that she would ask Leonard about Nie Qixing, so there was no reason for Nie Qingru to do anything to Leonard.

So the problem is back to square one.

Who did it?
Ye Wangchuan's eyes drooped slightly: "Have you considered Ji Ziyin?"

"Her?" Qiao Nian was a little surprised, but looked at him, and didn't answer for a moment: "She doesn't have the guts, does she?"

Ye Wangchuan didn't answer.

He just suspects...

Qiao Nian squinted her eyes, and before she could think deeply, the nerve in her brain pulled the back of her head and started to hurt again.

At this time, Feng Yu hurried back after making a phone call, and said to everyone in a serious tone: "Something happened! Leonard is dead."

Mo Xi, Mo Dong, Gu San, Qiao Nian and Ye Fanchuan were all stunned for a moment, they didn't expect the accident to happen so suddenly.

Feng Yu took a deep breath: "I just received the news from the hospital that half an hour ago, Leonard died after the rescue failed."

"He's in the hospital right now. I don't think the Lei family's intention is to just let it go. They should contact the Hermit family... I'm afraid it won't be so easy in the future."

He tried not to be too serious about it.

But everyone understands the seriousness of the matter.

If Leonard is fine, there is still room for change in today's matter.

However, Leonard's rescue was ineffective and he died on the spot.

Things start to go in the worst direction...

"Have they contacted the Hidden World Family?" Ye Wangchuan got up and asked Feng Yu first.

Feng Yu shook her head, with a sad face on her face: "They are covering up the news very tightly now, and I don't know if they have contacted the Hidden World Family. But it seems that they must contact there. This time, I am afraid...the Queen will also Come and ask for it!"

Leonard was one of the three giants of the Privy Council, so he died in Independence Island for no apparent reason, and happened to be related to Qiao Nian.

It was impossible for Nie Qingru to let it go.

Nie Qingru will definitely make a trip to Independence Continent, and then everyone will not get together as well as last time, and it will be solved simply.

"Where's Ji's family? Have you received any news?" Ye Wangchuan was calmer than him, and asked Feng Yu again.

Feng Yu hesitated for a moment, but still shook her head: "I don't know yet. But I have received the news, and they should receive the news soon."

Moxi pushed down the gold-rimmed glasses frame, stood up straight and said to Ye Wangchuan: "Master Wang, it seems that we have to make preparations in advance."

He turned his head to look in the girl's direction: "Miss Qiao's side...I'm afraid I need someone to protect my safety recently."

"I'll do it." Mo Dong took over the task without saying a word.

Only then did Qiao Nian slowly turn down her peaked cap under the gaze of everyone, and raised her head slightly, revealing an extremely provocative melon-seeded face.

"Tsk!" She drew the corners of her mouth, her brows and eyes were dry: "Interesting."

Mo Xi, Mo Dong, Feng Yu and others were all looking at her.

When is this, and she still cares about this?
Isn't she afraid of crazy revenge from the hidden family and the Lei family?Behind those people, there is an empress who is eyeing her like a tiger, and her current situation is definitely not good!

Qiao Nian didn't care too much about these things, she got up and picked up her mobile phone, then turned to Ye Wangchuan and said, "Can you ask Mr. Ye to take care of my dad and them for me during this time?"

Ye Wangchuan knew what she meant, got up and prepared to make a phone call: "I'll tell him."

"En." Qiao Nian replied, his eyes were like a night that couldn't be opened: "I'm telling Daji, let him arrange some people to go there, just in case, some people will make a fuss about them."

(End of this chapter)

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