Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2944 Sister Nian: Are you not tired?

Chapter 2944 Sister Nian: Are you not tired?
"You wait for me at a place 50 meters away, and I will go and talk to her myself." Lei Ting suppressed the unhappiness in his eyes, put away his phone, and turned to tell the tall and thin man.

The tall and thin man suddenly said nervously: "Brother Ting, is it too risky for you to do this?"

"You don't want to know the truth?" Lei Ting asked him back.

The tall and thin man stopped talking.

Since the accident happened a few days ago, the Queen and the Privy Council have been slow to act. They, the Leonard family members, are all holding their breaths. No one is feeling well these days!
Of course he wanted to know the truth!

Lei Ting saw the anger in his eyes that couldn't be dispelled, and his eyes were also gloomy. He reached out and patted his shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "Listen to me, don't come closer later."

The tall and thin man nodded in response: "I see, Brother Ting."

Lei Ting led the people down.

He made an appointment with Joe at 10:30.

The wind that was released to the outside world was also at 10:30.

Now at 15:[-], like Leonard before, he arrived at the underground parking lot [-] minutes earlier, and then waited for someone to come in the underground parking lot.


At the entrance of the underground parking lot, a girl wearing a peaked cap arrived late, walking in a leisurely manner, and seemed in no rush.

"Someone is coming." The tall and thin man spotted Qiao Nian immediately and lowered his voice.

Lei Ting also saw the girl walking in from the outside, clenched her fist hard and then let it go, and told the tall and thin man worriedly before leaving: "Remember what I said, no matter what happens later, after I fight you Don’t come close until you make a gesture!”

"I know."

Reiting was still looking at him.

"I'll listen to you." The tall and thin man promised him solemnly.

Only then was Lei Ting satisfied and walked towards the girl.

The tall and thin man watched Lei Ting slowly walking towards the girl, his eyes were full of haze, he stood there straight, his eyes fixed on the girl's direction, his whole body was tense, ready to rush over at any time...


The two meet.

This time, it was the same as the last time Qiao Nian and Leonard met. They were the only two within 100 meters nearby. As long as you pay attention to the volume of your speech, others will not be able to hear what they are saying.

When Lei Ting saw the girl walking in front of him, he immediately said, "I did as you said, but my people didn't find anything unusual..."

Qiao Nian raised his hand to check the time on his wrist, lowered his eyes, and said casually to Lei Ting, "There are still a few minutes, don't worry."

Lei Ting stared closely at her every move, seeing that she didn't seem to be in a hurry, as if there was a big stone on her chest, which was not a pleasant feeling.Couldn't help but warned her in a deep voice: "Qiao Nian, you told me that you could catch her today, if you lie to me..."

The girl picked out her ears, raised the end of her eyes and glanced at him irritably: "Aren't you tired?"

Reiting: "..."

Qiao Nian said: " some strength."

"There are still many places that need your cooperation later."

"..." What kind of attitude does she have!

Lei Ting couldn't lift it up in one breath, the veins on his neck were bulging due to clenched fists, and the skin on his neck was even more red.

However, from the perspective of a bystander, his reaction looked more like the same thing. After all, the current relationship between him and Qiao Nian was regarded as an 'enemy'.

Enemies meet each other, if they are not extra jealous.

Outsiders will be suspicious instead.

Lei Ting said to the girl stiffly: "Don't worry, as long as you can catch her and show me, I will cooperate with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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