Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2951 The dust has settled, Ji Ziyin's lies have been exposed!

Chapter 2951 When the dust settles, Ji Ziyin's lies are exposed!

Lei Ting didn't talk nonsense to her, he asked the people under him to hand over a tablet and throw it in front of Ji Ziyin.

On the tablet is a video of pressing the pause button.

Just as Ji Ziyin glanced at the frozen frame on the video, her heart beat like a drum, and a layer of cold sweat broke out from her palms.

Lei Ting stopped talking nonsense to her, and said sideways: "Don't you want evidence? This is the evidence! Take a good look for yourself!"

It took Ji Ziyin a long time to bend over with a stiff neck to pick up the tablet in front of her, and hit the play button.

The video clearly shows how she went out, how she got out of the car and went to the house next to the hospital with her bags, and then how she hurriedly left the house half an hour later to drive...

Although there is no picture of her using a sniper rifle to aim at Lei Ting.

But the time and place exactly coincided with the shooting time this morning!

This alone is enough to prove what she did...

After watching the complete video, Ji Ziyin's face was already pale, her fingertips were so cold that she didn't dare to raise her head.

Because her mind was buzzing at the moment, she couldn't find a reasonable reason to justify herself.

"Miss Ji, didn't you say that the gun was a coincidence, so it was also a coincidence that you appeared near the hospital before I was shot, left there in a hurry after I was shot, and still carried this gun? If these are all coincidences, then Could it be too coincidental?"

Ji Ziyin's palms were already drenched with sweat, and her pupils were slightly open looking at the girl who was standing there idly and watching the fun.

Her voice was dry and trembling: "It's you!"

Qiao Nian pulled off her peaked cap, and a trace of irritability flashed in her eyes. She didn't expect Ji Ziyin to still care about her at this moment: "Huh? So what if it's me?"

Ji Ziyin's whole body was stimulated by her natural tone of blood, she held the palm of her hand, gritted her teeth and wept blood: "You plot against me!"

Qiao Nian caught a glimpse of her embarrassed and angry look, and raised the corners of her mouth coldly: "What? You are only allowed to plot against me? I can't pay it back? Ji Ziyin, who gave you face to make you have this illusion..."

Do you think she won't fight back?
Do you think she will let her be slaughtered?

He even felt that he...should let her for granted again and again?
Qiao Nian crossed his arms and stood there with indifferent eyes: "I didn't want to care about you before, not because you were so special. It's because the little actions you made didn't affect me much, so I don't bother to care about you."

Her tone became lighter: "But I seem to have created an illusion for you, making you feel that you are a special existence with me. I don't bother to care about you, and in your eyes it becomes that I am giving way to you. Your courage It's getting bigger and bigger... Tsk, I wonder when you think about this, have you ever thought about how your leg became what it is now?"

She never moved Ji Ziyin.

It's just that Ji Ziyin only dared to hide behind her back and engage in some innocuous little actions. Even if she had malicious thoughts, she seldom did it seriously.

Only Yuan Yongqin's accident was different.

So she taught Ji Ziyin an unforgettable lesson.

Who knew that Ji Ziyin didn't have a long memory.

"Who told you that I would sit and wait for your scheme?"

"Shut up!" Ji Ziyin was poked in the darkest place in the center by her, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and her expression became extremely ugly: "Shut up, shut up!"

Lei Ting swept around the mess in the room, fixed his eyes on Ji Ziyin who was furious, and raised his hand: "Take it away!"

(End of this chapter)

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