Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2973 The shadow also came to give gifts

Chapter 2973 The shadow also came to give gifts
Qiao Nian guessed that this was one of Nie Qixing's methods to prevent outsiders from getting in, so she went in first, and she took out a magnetic card from her pocket and handed it over: "The 33rd floor."


Today, only the most distinguished guests of the hotel can enter floors 30-33.

After verifying the authenticity of the magnetic card, the previously perfunctory staff became extremely humble.

Quickly press the floor for them.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, he lowered his head the whole time to lower his sense of existence, and kept quiet there.


The elevator quickly reaches the 33rd floor.

Qiao Nian walked out of the elevator, glanced at the crowds in the banquet hall at the end of the corridor, raised her hand and lowered the brim of her hat, revealing her snow-white chin, and said to Ye Wangchuan, "Wait for me to get off, I'll go find Nie Qixing."


Ye Wangchuan walked to an inconspicuous place by himself.

Qiao Nian turned around and walked in another direction, looking for someone first.

It's almost eleven o'clock now.

More and more guests came to the dining place on the top floor of the 33rd floor.

Some of the staff around Nie Qixing were responsible for receiving guests below, and some were responsible for arranging the check-in of guests who needed to stay in the hotel. Zhang Yin was good at handling interpersonal relationships because of his long-sleeved skills, so he arranged to sit on the 33rd floor.

Zhang Yin was short and fat, wearing a blue suit with a bow on the neckline, and the famous brand suit on him looked like a hotel waiter.

Fortunately, he is very good at dealing with people, greets and sees off, and arranges the guests who come up properly and thoughtfully, he is very good at it.

Today is Nie Qixing's birthday.

There are many guests.

Zhang Yin also brought his own people to help.

His friend was surprised when he saw that Zhang Yin sent another celebrity who could only be seen on TV to arrange a seat.

When he came out, he took his hand and walked aside and said in a low voice, "Professor Nie, what's his background? These people who came today don't seem like they would attend a university professor's birthday."

Hearing his emotional words, Zhang Yin couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and angrily pulled his hand away: "I told you the other day, didn't you believe it?"

He was talking about a few days ago, they had dinner with Nie Qixing.

He sent Nie Qixing out and said the wrong thing.

His friend made sarcastic remarks, saying something stupid like 'Professor Nie seems to be easy to get along with'!

His friend scratched his head and coughed awkwardly: "Didn't I know that before?"

Zhang Yin wiped the sweat from his forehead, but did not hide it from him: "I don't know. I only know that he is surrounded by top political figures and celebrities."

"As for how big his backstage is."

Zhang Yin looked at his friend without any concealment: "I don't know, his identity is not at a level that I can get in touch with. So I don't ask, just pretend to be ignorant and please him. Tell me something. But it’s not easy to curry favor any more!”

After listening to his friend, he couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression.

Zhang Yin didn't care what he thought, he looked up and saw a man in black walking over with a wooden box, his expression changed, and he hurried up to meet him: "Why did you come here in person? Young Master Qi is still on the phone at the stairs, I'll help you You call him over."

The man in black is the shadow beside the queen.

He had seen a fat-headed fish-like man by Nie Qixing's side, so he knew Zhang Yin, and said coldly, "Don't be so troublesome. I'll just come over and give you a gift, and leave as soon as the gift is delivered."

(End of this chapter)

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