Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2975 Sister Nian's gift is Ji Qing's photo!

Chapter 2975 Sister Nian's gift is Ji Qing's photo!

"Need not."

Qiao Nian stood still and didn't move.

Nie Qixing turned his head and paused slightly: "You?"

Qiao Nian took out an unsealed envelope from her body, walked over and handed it to him: "I'm here because I have something for you."

Nie Qixing took the thin envelope from her hand, about the thickness of a sheet of paper, which made him slightly dazed.

"What do you mean?"

"I won't eat anymore."

Qiao Nian raised her head, her black eyes were extremely dark: "I came to see you on her behalf."

Nie Qixing was even more puzzled and curious by her confused words, pinched the envelope in his hand, and hadn't decided what to say.

The girl has already politely said to him: "Since the things have been delivered, I won't bother you."

She turned away.

Nie Qixing looked at the back of her leaving without hesitation, and the envelope in his hand aroused his curiosity even more. He lowered his head and poured out the contents of the envelope, and soon a photo floated into his palm.

It was a single photo.

The woman in the photo is smiling at the camera, she looks only in her early twenties, brighter and more enthusiastic than the sun.

Nie Qixing knew very well that he did not know the person in the photo, but the person in the photo gave him a strong sense of familiarity.

He frowned, pursed his lips and stuffed the photo back into the envelope, turned around and followed to the banquet hall...

Outside, Qiao Nian went out a minute earlier than him, and ran into Fathead Fish who was looking for Nie Qixing.

When Zhang Yin saw the person passing by him, he slowed down from his impatience, and looked back subconsciously.

"Isn't that... that person that day?"

Before he had time to think about why Qiao Nian was here, he saw Nie Qixing coming out of the corner on his back, with something extra in his hand.

Zhang Yin couldn't help opening his eyes wide, filling up a lot of pictures in his mind, but business still occupied his reason, he hurriedly walked towards Nie Qixing: "Young Master Qi, that elder of yours has come to look for you."

Nie Qixing glanced at him casually, but did not correct his address: "Where is he?"

"I'll be waiting for you at the door." Zhang Yin led him back, and on the way said, "He seems to be looking for someone again."

Find someone?

Nie Qixing frowned rarely, and quickened his pace to find the shadow.

Shadow was waiting for him at the door.

Soon he saw Zhang Yin brought Nie Qixing back.

When he saw Nie Qixing, he smiled rarely, and greeted Nie Qixing: "Young Master Qi."

Nie Qixing knew his identity, but he didn't dare to take Joe in front of him, so he quickly supported him: "Uncle Ning, don't be polite to me, just call me Qixing."

But the shadow said sternly: "The rules cannot be broken."

Nie Qixing seemed to have a helpless expression, but he didn't force him to change his words and pulled him inside.

The shadow also followed him in. During the process of going in with Nie Qixing, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the corner of the photo that slipped out of the envelope out of the corner of his eye, his expression changed slightly, and he stopped: "What is this?"

Nie Qixing hasn't reacted yet.

Shadow took out the photo from him and looked down.

When he saw the person in the photo clearly, Shadow's expression became visibly uglier, and his hands trembled.

Nie Qixing didn't expect a photo to cause such a big reaction in him, so he asked him nonchalantly, "Uncle Ning, do you know the person in the photo?"

"..." Shadow's throat seemed to be strangled by an invisible big hand, and he couldn't make a sound.

Of course he knew the people in the photos.

Because the person in the photo is - Ji Qing!
(End of this chapter)

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