Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2979 There are still people who hit the gun head by themselves

Chapter 2979 There are still people who hit the gun head by themselves
Moxi saw that he wasn't brainless, at least he was more relaxed than Mo Dong, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and patted him on the shoulder: "No need. I think Master Wang meant to ask you to pay attention in the future."

Ji Lin raised his eyes and was about to say: He must pay attention later.

Moxi just stared at his face, smiled maliciously, and put his hands down: "It's okay if you don't want to listen, we still have a mine in Continent F, and I heard that there is a shortage of manpower there."

Master Wang never kills people.

Some are techniques that make life worse than death, death and life again.

For example, the mine in Continent F is the place where people who have made mistakes in Yaomen and Dark Fort are frightened...

Ji Lin's face turned green, he clenched his fists, and said gritting his teeth, "Don't worry, I won't go in before you go in!"

He refused to admit defeat, but he already knew it in his heart.

Ji Lin knew that Moxi was reminding him to make the previous mistake at most once, and if he did it again, Mr. Wang would probably throw him to Continent F to fend for himself.

So he was quite grateful to Mo Xi, fixed his eyes on him, and said, "Anyway, thanks."

Seeing that he understood, Moxi pressed his hand, squinted his eyes and said with a half-smile, "Don't thank me, I didn't help this time."

He let go of his hand, and said solemnly to Ji Lin: "We all want to thank Ms. Qiao, if it wasn't for Ms. Qiao showing that she doesn't want to pursue the matter. I guess Mr. Wang can kill us to cheer up Ms. Qiao~"

When he said this, he was obviously half joking.

Ji Lin felt a chill down his spine, and he knew better what he should do next time: "I'll find someone to check on Nie Qixing again!"

Qiao Nian has always wanted to check this Nie Qixing.

Ji Lin stays in Country M all the year round, and his connections here are deeper, and he knows a lot of strange people of all kinds.

These people are usually useless, but sometimes they can show miraculous results.

He was going to ask these contacts to see if he could dig out something!

Moxie went in with him.

"I'll see if I can help."

Around three in the afternoon.

Qiao Nian set off to go to the Pharmacy Association.

As soon as she walked out of the hotel, she was stopped by a black luxury car at the intersection of traffic lights.

Qiao Nian is in a bad mood today.

She pulled down the brim of her hat coldly, folded her hands, and watched a person get off the car with cold eyes.

The man was probably in his early forties. He was very fat and wore a suit that didn't fit well. Most of his belly was sticking out.

He came down and wiped his sweat.

At the same time, two burly men got out of the car and stood beside him silently, looking like thugs.

Zhang Yin walked up to Qiao Nian, put down the handkerchief, looked her up and down, his small eyes gleamed, and seemed very satisfied: "Miss Qiao?"

he asked.

Seeing that the girl didn't talk to him immediately, she wasn't angry, and continued to say kindly, "You may not know me, but it doesn't matter, I know Miss Qiao. Are you from Independent State? You work in the First Research Institute. And you still Do you know Young Master Qi?"

A cold light flashed across Qiao Nian's eyes. He wanted to deal with him directly, but he became interested when he heard this: "Professor Nie?"

She bit the professor's two words extremely frivolously, as if there was a slight sneer.

Zhang Yin didn't hear her ridicule, and thought that he had successfully fooled the person in front of him, so he immediately withdrew his friendly expression and showed a superior attitude: "Miss Qiao, our young master Qi wants to see you, why don't you get in the car with me? "

He made way sideways, tilted his head not afraid of death, and gestured: "Please!"

(End of this chapter)

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