Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2986 I can't unlock the password of this phone

Chapter 2986 I can't unlock the password of this phone

"Who looked for you?"

"The Pharmacy Association, the Ji family, and a few other well-known people found us indirectly..."

Nie Qixing saw Zhongliu Liu in the lobby downstairs asking questions at the front desk. It was no surprise that the Pharmacy Association found the royal family, but... the Ji family?
How could the forces on the Independent Continent find the royal family?
He gradually connected Qiao Nian, who Zhong Liuliu was looking for, with the Joe who gave him a gift before, and found that the information of the two had a high degree of overlap.

Out of prudence, Nie Qixing hung up the phone and went looking for someone non-stop...

the other side.

Zhang Yin waited and waited until Nie Qixing came over.

He finally couldn't sit still, pushed away the pestering woman beside him, got up and went outside to call Nie Qixing.

The call just got through.

He hung up directly there.

Zhang Yin was startled, but he didn't dare to call Nie Qixing any more. After hesitating for a moment, he sent a message to Nie Qixing carefully asking why he hadn't come yet.

He stood in the corridor and waited for 10 minutes, but before he got a reply from Nie Qixing, he waited for the person from the clubhouse to decipher the phone.

"Mr. Zhang, this phone..." The man with an unshaven beard and a very rough appearance, took a phone and stuffed it to Zhang Yin: "I can't decipher it."

Zhang Yin held Qiao Nian's cell phone with a frown, thinking that his ears were ringing: "You can't decipher the code? How is it possible?"

The man in front of him looks inconspicuous, but his strength should not be underestimated.

When he heard that Nie Qixing was in a good mood, he revealed that this person was recruited by the Hidden World Family, and he was very good at deciphering codes.

Zhang Yin didn't dare to ask why the Yinshi family sent this kind of talent to Nie Qixing for his use, so he just wrote down the matter silently.

So when he heard the man say that he couldn't decipher the password of the small mobile phone, his expression was completely incredulous.

The man looked at him very calmly: "I really can't decipher the password on the phone. This password seems to be a kind of Morse code and has pupil membrane verification... To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a complicated combination password. It will take ten or eight days to solve this password in the hands of a top decryption master, and I have no tools here, so there is really no way."

"You said the password on this mobile phone is so advanced?" Zhang Yin was stunned, and looked down at the mobile phone in his hand over and over again.

The brand of Qiao Nian's mobile phone could not be identified, it was just an old black mobile phone, the metal edges were severely worn out, it looked like it hadn't been replaced for a long time.

Such a mobile phone can't be sold at a price in the second-hand market, and it is equipped with a combination code that even the master crackers around Qi Shao can't solve?
What about pupil membrane verification, this... is somewhat beyond Zhang Yin's expectations!

Zhang Yin hesitated for a moment, took his mobile phone and walked to Guan Qiaonian's box.

There were two burly men standing outside the box, their strong biceps looked intimidating, and none of them stood outside chatting.

When the two saw Zhang Yin approaching, they were startled and quickly stood up straight.

"Mr. Zhang."

"Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Yin pretended not to see the two people fishing, and asked them indifferently: "Is the person inside?" Qi Shao hasn't come here yet, if the person runs away, everyone can't eat and walk around!
The two looked at each other and answered him affirmatively: "It's in there! She hasn't come out before."

One of them said it opened the door for him.

Zhang Yin took a breath, took his phone and walked in.


Qiao Nian didn't run away, she was still in the box.

(End of this chapter)

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