Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3005 Sure enough, he pushed all of them on the head of the chapter

Chapter 3005 Sure enough, he pushed all of them on the head of the chapter

Now that something like this happened, it was undoubtedly a loud slap on the face of the queen, which slapped the queen hard in the face.

"I am not sure as well."

Shadow hooked his head, and said vaguely: "I only know that Zhang Yin knew Young Master Nie. As for how he provoked Qiao Nian, how did he think of kidnapping Qiao Nian, and the rumors on the Internet that the clubhouse was not clean. The business statement...I haven't had time to check it yet."

Nie Qing's black eyebrows seemed to relax: "So you also think that he may have been wronged."

Shadow raised his head to look at her, then immediately lowered his head, his tone became more cautious: "Young Master Nie seldom makes you worry, his relationship with you is right there, he can have whatever he wants, there is no need to meddle in that Planting in a business that can’t be seen on the table.”

"En." Nie Qingru responded, stretched her brows, got up and walked inside: "I'll ask him."


The living room where Nie Qingru lives is equipped with the most high-tech projection equipment, so that she can communicate with the outside world without leaving home.

She quickly asked Shadow to connect her to Nie Qixing's positioning video.

When Nie Qixing saw her, he immediately said, "Cummer."

Nie Qingru has always acted vigorously and resolutely, and asked him directly: "How do you explain the matter in the clubhouse?"

Video over there.

Nie Qixing panicked for a moment, but soon calmed down, staring at the graceful old woman in the video with firm eyes: "I don't know."


Nie Qingru's reaction showed no joy or anger.

He took a deep breath: "I know Zhang Yin, the owner of the club. He is indeed by my side often, and he usually helps me with small favors. He opened a club before and asked me if I wanted to take a share? I declined at the time! But I don’t know why the club now shows that my shares are in it..."

"Cummer, I'm not short of money. Even if I don't have money, I can tell you and Uncle Ning that there is no need to get involved in this kind of business to make money! I really didn't know that there was such a trick in his club. I was impressed by his appearance. tricked."

This statement is similar to shadow.

Nie Qingru raised her eyelids slightly, as if staring at him to examine something.

Nie Qixing held his breath and held his eyes firmly, as if he was also a victim, without panicking at all.

Nie Qingru examined him for a moment, then slowly said, "What about Qiao Nian?"

Nie Qixing's eyelids twitched: "Her?"

Nie Qingru tapped her fingers on the table, and Yun asked him: "Zhang Yin kidnapped her for you, and you don't know the reason?"

Nie Qixing took a deep breath: "He doesn't know where he can tell that I have a background. Since we met, he has been pestering me like a dog's skin plaster. Sometimes I don't ask him to do something, and he will do it self-righteously to 'please' me. .”

"It's the same thing this time."

"This Qiao Nian came to me before the birthday party. First he gave me paintings, and later he sent me photos. For some reason, he was spotted by Zhang Yin. He thought I had some special relationship with Qiao Nian, and asked I ran away and did stupid things without asking. I also only found out after it happened, and by the time I knew it, it was too late, and he had already been arrested."

Nie Qixing knew how to handle Nie Qingru's psychology very well. He first defended himself, and after the excuse, he immediately said to the noble old woman with a correct attitude: "I'm sorry Cummer, I failed your training and caused such trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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