Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3007 Sister Nian is going to arrest people directly

Chapter 3007 Sister Nian is going to arrest people directly
"Nie Qingru made a move."

in the hotel.

Qiao Nian had just returned to her room from the villa where Ji Lin and the others were staying, before she had stopped for a few minutes, Guan Yan opened the door and came in.

"The empress seems to be planning to forcefully protect Professor Nie."

Guanyan Lieyan's red lips curled up frivolously, her eyes were full of contempt for Nie Qingru's actions, and she walked inside: "She is not even willing to sacrifice this professor's reputation, and she wants to let Nie Qixing retreat completely. Tsk, What a wishful thinking!"

Just as Qiao Nian put down her bag, she walked to the single sofa, reached out and unplugged the charging cable on the wall, and took the charged laptop back to the bed. She didn't seem to be stimulated by her words, and said very calmly: "She thinks she is powerful It's monstrous, as long as you are willing, there is nothing you can't do. These people outside are not important to her. Maybe an ant is more valuable than human life in her eyes. How can she care whether the business in the club is real? Nie Qixing is Didn't you participate in human trafficking?"

The smile on the corner of Guan Yan's mouth faded, and he became anxious and angry.

Qiao Nian was calmer than her. After putting the computer away, she straightened her back, brushed up the black hair in front of her eyes, and said coldly: "What she wants is a result. As long as Nie Qixing is safe and sound, this matter is over for her." .”

"Fuck it!" Guan Yan, who had never been a weak woman, immediately burst into foul language, disgusted enough by the so-called hermit family.

She just looked at Qiao Nian.

The girl had already picked up her phone and was about to go to the opposite door: "I'll go out for a while."

Guan Yan knew that she was going to find Ye Wangchuan, so she followed immediately: "I'll go with you."

She mainly wanted to see how Sun and the others planned to deal with this matter.

Qiao Nian didn't let her follow, went out and knocked on the opposite door.

Ye Wangchuan opened the door in seconds, saw two people outside, and let them in sideways: "Come in."

Qiao Nian went in first.

Guan Yan also knew that he followed to hold the light bulb, touched his earlobe, and went in, whispering to Ye Wangchuan: "Sorry, I promise not to be a light bulb next time."

Ye Wangchuan smiled slightly when he heard the words, he was very gentleman and didn't bother with her, waited for Guanyan to follow in, then he closed the door, went to the water dispenser and fetched a glass of water for the two of them, one for each.

"Drink of water."

"Thank you." Guan Yan felt that the wattage of his light bulb was too high since he came in, so he took the glass from him awkwardly, and found a corner to reduce his presence.

Qiao Nian didn't feel so uncomfortable, she sat on the sofa, leaned her back slightly, and looked up at him with a water glass in her hand: "I'm going to touch Nie Qixing."

Ye Wangchuan saw that her white fingers were reflected in the glass and looked very beautiful under the light, so he raised his eyes to look at her face: "How do you plan to move?"

"I asked someone to track his mobile phone, but I couldn't find the whereabouts of the women trafficked by them, so I was thinking about not tying him up and asking."

Qiao Nian didn't wait for him to answer, and put the glass back in his hand, his eyes were dark and rational: "It is possible not to take such drastic measures against him, but it seems that Nie Qingru doesn't intend to bother. From Nie Qixing's point of view , as long as he is not a fool, he will hurry up and destroy the 'evidence', I don't have time to wait for him to show his feet."

"I can wait, those people can't wait."

Ye Wangchuan didn't persuade her to think calmly, but said concisely: "How are you going to tie her up?"

(End of this chapter)

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