Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3016 Why hasn't anyone come yet?

Chapter 3016 Why hasn't anyone come yet?

In a dark alley in country m.

A man wearing a gold chain and combing his hair back impatiently kicked a small stone on the ground, and the small stone hit the wall and fell down with a 'clang' sound, scaring several women who were squatting not far away to exclaim .

The man was probably annoyed by the noise, and he turned around and yelled at them: "Young master just kicked a rock, what's his name, whoever makes the sound again, I'll kill him first!"

The faces of the women were as scared as human beings, and their eyes showed the horror of him, they bit their lips tightly and did not let go, and did not dare to make any sound again.

The man with the big gold chain was still dissatisfied, he walked back quickly and picked up a woman and slapped her in the face: "Look at your mother!"

The woman was beaten so hard that she was thrown on the ground like a rag and hugged her head, and kept admitting her mistake: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The other big gold tooth is leaning against the wall and playing games with his mobile phone. Seeing that he is messing around here and affecting his operation, he stops him impatiently: "What are you doing, why are you beating them? Someone will come and get them out later Let's go, we will complete the task when we get rid of it."

"Where's the person?" Dabei shook his hand away unhappily, with a rebellious expression on his face, and asked the other person extremely unhappily: "I've been waiting here for an hour, and the person hasn't come yet!"

Da Jinya is not one of those powerless women, not used to his bad temper, immediately quit the mobile game, put the phone in his pocket, and looked at him seriously: "Are you going to make trouble? Are you going to fight again?" In this case, I will tell the person above. You should know Young Master Nie's temper!"

Nie Qixing looked at Gentleman, but in reality he had black hands and a dark heart. This was a fact that everyone on the road tacitly accepted. Few people would dare to provoke such a double-faced person.

Big backs are no exception.

He suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, glared at his companion unhappily, turned around and walked back to the alley to wait for someone.

Seeing him calm down, Da Jinya took out his mobile phone in his pocket again and prepared to play another game. On the way back, he saw a woman lying on the ground sobbing, and he commanded condescendingly: "Okay, don't cry here , Those who don’t know will think you are mourning. I don’t have that much patience, if you want to be smart, go back and stay, and don’t make any noise to stimulate him.”

The woman who was beaten was so frightened that she blinked her eyes and tears were streaming down her face, but she covered her face and dared not make any more noise.

She crawled back to a group of controlled women, and everyone continued to hold their heads, shivering in the alley.

Finally, a siren sounded from the alley.

Dabei turned his head back to his companion and said, "Here we come."

Jin Ya put away the mobile phone he just took out, and started to ask the women who were squatting on the ground to stand up, line up, and threatened them not to make a sound.

Those women had long been exhausted by their training, and they lined up numbly in a row, with their heads down, their faces pale and desolate.

The two saw a girl getting out of the Land Rover. The girl was wearing black clothes and a peaked cap, only showing her snow-white chin. She looked extremely young and had a strong personal aura around her.

"Why is there a woman here?" Dabeitou was still wondering.

Qiao Nian, who got out of the car, had already walked in front of him, raised her head, and looked past him at the shivering women standing in a row in the dark alley.

"Is everyone here?"

Big back looked at her suspiciously again: "You belong to Young Master Nie? Why did Young Master Nie ask you to come here, did you make a mistake?"

(End of this chapter)

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