Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3021 Sister Nian just wants to force her

Chapter 3021 Sister Nian just wants to force her
It's just that what happened to Nie Qixing this time was beyond their imagination. If they want to win people, they must disrupt their plans and make certain concessions!

Shadow couldn't bear Nie Qixing's suffering, so he raised his eyes: "Queen, Young Master Nie..."

"I didn't expect that she would bite me tightly for the sake of a dead person..." Nie Qingru's eyes reflected a light, and she raised her hand to stop the shadow from following him: "I'll think about it again."

Qiao Nian's move was to force her to admit Nie Qixing.

Nie Qingru was used to being assertive and domineering, so how could she be willing to be coerced so easily.

She was still thinking about how to get Nie Qixing out of the evidence, and even thought of making a deal with Qiao Nian to hand over all the evidence.

But Nie Qingru never thought of it.

While she was thinking about this in state M, Qiao Nian had already blocked her way out.

The fermentation on ins is intensifying.

enormous pressure on the police.

Although someone above had greeted them and asked them to deal with this matter as low-key as possible, they couldn't keep the reporters around every day.

Every time they go in and out, they will be swarmed by reporters and cameras, making it extremely difficult for them to go to and from get off work.

In this case, Nie Qingru also tried to reduce the popularity on ins.

It's just that this time it didn't go as smoothly as she did before.

No matter how she communicates with ins, the trending searches that were suppressed by technology one second will always return to the top in the next second.

The topic of flaunting power at the top, like the arrogant face of a girl, was like a slap in the face to Nie Qingru.

She was well aware of Qiao Nian's position in the hacker world.

She also thought about finding someone to confront Qiao Nian.

But when the people she found heard about Qiao Nian and Hongmeng, they always shook their heads and told her that the chance of success was not high.

Nie Qingru was forced into a dead end by Qiao Nian in just one day, blocking most of the roads, leaving only the road she was least willing to take.

The most unacceptable thing for Nie Qingru was that while she was still trying to solve the problem, the police in Country M couldn't bear the pressure and temporarily arrested Nie Qixing.

They said it was a routine inquiry.

But a promising young scientist has entered the police station because of this kind of thing, and basically has black spots on his back that cannot be washed clean.

The most unacceptable thing for Nie Qingru is that the successors she has trained for more than [-] years have stains on them.

Qiao Nian's hand directly pinched her life.

Nie Qingru was so angry that she had to seriously consider the matter that Ying Ying mentioned to her...

The next day, Intercontinental Hotel.

Qiao Nian completed the formalities, put on her peaked cap and went up to the door to meet Ji Lin and the others.

Ji Lin originally wanted to help her with her luggage, but when she saw the girl's hands were empty, she remembered that she didn't bring anything with her when she came.

Ji Lin had no choice but to open the car door for her, and said politely: "Miss Qiao, you can sit in the front. It is convenient to open the windows in front, and it is not easy to get motion sickness."

Who knew that there was a hand in front of him at this time, Ye Fanchuan narrowed his eyes lazily and stood between him and said: "She sits with me."

Ji Lin was stunned for a moment, then nodded confusedly: "Oh oh oh, good master."

Qiao Nian had already walked over and saw the two of them talking there, with sleepiness still on their faces and dry eyes: "What are you talking about?"

She didn't hear what Ji Lin said just now.

Ji Lin still hasn't spoken.

Ye Wangchuan took it domineeringly: "It's nothing."

Ji Lin: "..." Master Wang, in fact, you can.

(End of this chapter)

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