Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3027 Sister Nian will come and leave after her birthday

Chapter 3027 Sister Nian will come back for her birthday and leave

This matter was widely spread, and Qin Si had heard his mother talk about it.

Seeing him shaking, Ye Wangchuan put down his teacup, and said calmly, "Don't worry, God Qiao is here, and he won't make trouble."

"He will be more obedient and able to act than you can imagine. Oscar owes him a statuette!"

Qin Si saw this scene, and immediately trembled: "...seems to be quite obedient."

It is infiltration.

Ye Wangchuan raised the corners of his mouth, complained about his family members, and said without mercy: "Call your big brother to be cute when you come in."

"Don't talk about it." Qin Si imagined the scene, like a lump in his throat, and drank two sips of water to suppress the horror in his heart, and goose bumps ran all over his body.

Qiao Nian listened to the two of them talking about Little Bun one sentence at a time. With her fingertips resting between her brows, she said in a helpless tone, "You guys are exaggerating."

"I think Chenchen is very obedient, not pretending."

Qin Si disagreed with the previous sentence.

Qin Si didn't dare to speak the last sentence.

Ye Wangchuan is more dog than him, Gu Pan Shenfei raised his eyes slightly, staring at the girl: "He is good and wants his aunt to be his wife?"

Qiao Nian's eyelids twitched violently, and he drank water tactically to calm down, not forgetting to say to him: "Chenchen is here, don't say that."


Ye Wangchuan stretched his body and leaned back on the chair, he didn't say any more, but he was very clear about Ye Qichen's peeing nature.

He is not such a fragile child as Qiao Nian imagined.

Ye Qichen has never been self-pitying, but more like the Ye family.

So he knew very well that even if Ye Qichen heard what he complained about in person, he would be proud of it instead of taking it seriously, and wished he could work harder to pry the corner of his wall with his little hoe.

The kid only pretended in front of Qiao Nian.

Very strong in front of others.

Otherwise, he would not be recognized as the little devil in the world.


Zhang Yang and the others came very quickly. It wasn't until they sat down that they realized that Mr. Ye and Ye Lan were also coming. They were more honest than quail.

At around [-]:[-] in the evening, Ye Maoshan and Ye Lan came with the little guy.

Sure enough, Ye Qichen crowded beside Qiao Nian as soon as he entered the door, and naturally called Qin Si's big brother, and snatched the good seat occupied by Qin Si, and sat on Qiao Nian's right.

Everyone is here.

Qin Si asked the waiter to serve the food.

Seeing Qiao Nian's smiling face, Ye Maoshan happily kept turning the topic around Qiao Nian, mainly asking how long she would stay in Beijing this time.

When he heard Qiao Nian saying that he was only coming back for his birthday, he inevitably showed a disappointed expression.

But Ye Maoshan knew that Qiao Nian must be busy with important matters, so he just sat there and didn't want to keep him. Ye Lan asked Qiao Nian how he planned to spend his birthday...

Dishes were quickly filed in and brought to the table.

It wasn't the first time everyone met, Zhang Yang soon became active.

With him and Qin Si around, even if Bao Jing didn't speak much jargon, the atmosphere in the box was extremely lively, and everyone chatted happily.

Tangning and the others mainly chatted with Qiao Nian about games and gossip.

Qiao Nian doesn't know much about entertainment and gossip, she only knows how to answer a few words in the game.

Ye Lan asked her how she was doing outside and so on.

Eat a meal.

Qiao Nian was basically answering all kinds of questions. Fortunately, Ye Fanchuan would put vegetables in her bowl from time to time to block some enthusiastic questions for her, so that she had a chance to have a full meal.

The next day.

Qiao Nian woke up early in the morning.

She planned to go to Qing University to ask Liang Conglin for leave first, and then go to the nursing home to see Mr. Jiang.

 PS: Sister Nian won't stay for long, the matter of Nie Qixing is about to come to an end

(End of this chapter)

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