Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3030 What does Young Master Fu want to do to my girlfriend

Chapter 3030 What does Young Master Fu want to do to my girlfriend

Qiao Nian was annoyed at being stopped by him again, but when he heard him accusing herself as soon as he came up, she raised her head inexplicably: "What?"

Fu Ge thought she was pretending to himself: "Didn't you see me in the principal's office? Why did you pretend that you didn't see me and just leave?"


Qiao Nian had about a second to react, and then she looked at him with puzzled eyes: "Are you in the office?"

Seeing her reaction, Fu Ge thought that she humiliated him on purpose. He pulled the corners of his mouth, his handsome face paled: "I know I'm not as good as you, you don't need to humiliate me like this."

Qiao Nian interrupted him impatiently: "So you stopped me for something?"

Fu Ge just stopped her subconsciously. In fact, he didn't even think about stopping Qiao Nian to say anything to her.

He looked at the overbearing girl who was still beautiful in her plain face, and suddenly felt sour in his heart.

It's as if you once owned the moon but abandoned it. When you regret it and want to get closer, you find that the moon has already left you.

You can't touch it even if you raise your toes, but the moonlight shines on you all the time, making you clearly understand how stupid and ridiculous you used to be!

Fu Ge didn't speak for a long time.

Qiao Nian became a little impatient: "If you're okay, don't get in the way, I'm busy."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Fu Ge tried to grab her again.

This time, Qiao Nian didn't let him succeed, and reacted quickly to avoid his hand, his expression became cold, and his eyes narrowed, just one glance hurt his self-esteem like a knife.

Fu Ge didn't know why he became angry from embarrassment, and blurted out: "When are you going to see Qiao Chen?"

Qiao Nian picked his ears, thinking he was hallucinating: "What?"

Fu Ge's words came out, and his mind became hot: "I went to see her in the prison some time ago, and she kept mentioning you. It's been so long, shouldn't you go and see her? She's not doing well in there, I've lost a lot of weight, and I'm getting old. My aunt also sheds tears at home every day, her eyes are broken from crying, and she often goes to the hospital for ophthalmology... If you have time to write and arrange, you should also have time to see them."

Qiao Nian just laughed, very angry, as if she could see through all his dirty thoughts, a cluster of fire was printed in her dark eyes: "Everything she does is for you, her character should be more serious than talking about me. I want to marry you. Since you love her so much, why don't you give her a promise to marry her back?"

Fu Ge opened his mouth, but was speechless.

Because Qiao Nian was right.

Every time he went to see Qiao An in prison, Qiao An would cry and ask him if he still loved her and if he would marry her...

But how could he marry a reform-through-labor prisoner?

Even if he could agree, his mother wouldn't agree!

So it is impossible for him to be with Qiao Chen.

"I thought you could burn relics by throwing them into the fire, but it turned out that you were just generous to others." These words were like a slap in the face of Fu Ge.

Fu Ge was so excited that his face turned red, and he stretched out his hand to pull her: "Why do you have to treat me like this, you must stab me with words!"

Qiao Nian still saw the villain complain first, but he had never seen such a shameless and shameless person who insisted on covering up.

Her eyes sank, and she was about to turn her face.

Suddenly, a familiar Phaeton stopped on the side of the road.

The car door opened, and a person from the driver's seat stepped towards them, grabbed Fu Ge's wrist, and twisted it slightly.But there was a refreshing smile on his face: "What does Young Master Fu want to do to my girlfriend?"

(End of this chapter)

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