Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3036 I think you seem to have forgotten Nie Qixing's origin

Chapter 3036 I think you seem to have forgotten Nie Qixing's origin
The two were discussing about Nie Qixing.

"Dad, Qingru must have come back this time for Qixing."

"I know." Old Mrs. Nie was lying on the bed very weak, with silver hair, it could be seen that he had already entered the octogenarian age.

Nie Tao said in a tone of hatred for iron and steel: "Qixing is too disappointing! How could he get involved in that kind of business! Even the most incompetent branch of the family has no one to touch this kind of business, he... Alas! "

Old Mrs. Nie was lying on the bed with his pillow propped up, and he didn't respond to his indignation and reprimand, as if he was deep in thought.

Nie Tao carefully tested his attitude: "Dad, many people in the family have objections to Qixing's incident. Several elders in the family have approached me. Look at the matter of my successor in the future..."

Old Mrs. Nie glanced at him, understood the small calculation in his heart, and did not give a clear answer calmly: "I will think about it..."

at this time.

The door was pushed open from the outside.

The two of them saw Nie Qingru walking in like a king descending.

The traces of time can be seen in her eyebrows and eyes, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, her face is cold and serious, and her smile doesn't reach her eyes: "What are you thinking about? Let me listen too. Huh?"

When Nie Tao saw her, his face changed suddenly, and his expression quickly became fearful. He hid the disgust and fear in his eyes, and forced a smile to greet her: "Qingru, you are here."

Nie Qingru walked to Mrs. Nie's bed, and without opening a word, Shadow moved her a chair silently: "Queen."

Nie Qingru sat down slowly under the gaze of the two, with the same smile on his face, but his eyes were as fierce as an eagle staring at its prey, and glanced at Nie Tao and Mrs. Nie: "What are Dad and Big Brother talking about?"

Old Mrs. Nie's expression became unnatural, and he covered his lips with his hands and coughed: "I didn't say anything. When did you arrive?"

"Just arrived." Nie Qingru stretched out her hand to cover him with the quilt, her dark eyes stared at Mrs. Nie's aging face like will-o'-the-wisps, and suddenly said, "The people outside don't remember how Qixing got here. Dad, don't you also remember why Qixing came to this world?"

Her words were like a thunderbolt, which made the expressions of the Nie family father and son extremely exciting.

Nie Tao was busy smoothing things over: "Qingru, why are you bringing this up again? Didn't we agree not to mention it for the sake of Qixing's growth?"

"I think you guys forgot." Nie Qingru withdrew her hand.

Nie Tao quickly laughed: "No, how could we forget."

Nie Qixing's ghostly gaze swept across his face, inch by inch, like a warning or a threat: "People's memory is limited. Especially when people get old, their memory will deteriorate day by day, and sometimes it is inevitable to forget important things. For example... Qixing is the gift you begged and gave me."

"Ahem!" Old Mrs. Nie coughed violently.

"Water." Nie Qingru stretched out her hand Shi Shiran.

Shadow immediately poured a glass of water and handed it to her.

Nie Qingru fed water to the old lady Nie on the hospital bed, her movements were so gentle and filial, and she even supported the old lady Nie's back to be patted by him.

It's just that this scene fell on Nie Tao's eyes, but it was like suffering, and he couldn't stand up: "Qingru, why did you provoke Dad. He is old and can't stand stimulation."

After Nie Qingru fed old Mrs. Nie with water, she handed over the empty cup to Shadow, raised the pillow softly, put the old man back on the pillow, and tucked the quilt for him.

(End of this chapter)

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