Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3038 Must we listen to her?

Chapter 3038 Must we listen to her?

A woman who could kill her only daughter in the world by blood, how could they not be afraid of her launching a ruthless attack on the Nie family?
Old Mrs. Nie let out a foul breath, closed his eyes and opened them again as if resigned to his fate: "I see, I will let them do as you say."

"That's good." Nie Qingru turned around and prepared to go downstairs.

Old Mrs. Nie looked at her back as she opened the door and was about to leave, and suddenly called her: "Qingru, I know that the Nie family and I have been sorry for you in this life. But your brother is not suitable to be the successor of the family. This business has already surpassed the bottom line of a business that a family like ours would touch..."

But before he finished speaking, Nie Qingru had already left the room accompanied by Shadow.

Old Mrs. Nie looked at her figure without looking back, his eyes that had long lost vitality dimmed again, sighed heavily, and called his son.

"Do as she says."

"Dad!" Nie Tao was not reconciled after all: "Qixing even touches low-level business, and the Nie family will be destroyed in his hands!"

"Do you have any other choice?" Old Mrs. Nie rarely looked at him clearly.

"..." Nie Tao squeezed the palm of his hand, unable to answer because of aggrieved.

Seeing his silence, Mrs. Nie raised her hand, as if tired: "The Nie family has no choice, and you and I have no choice either. Since we have no choice, everyone should be happy. You, the eldest brother, should live as long as possible for a few years. If I can survive her, maybe...the Nie family still has a chance. If they can't survive..."

Old Mrs. Nie seemed unable to continue.

He sighed secretly, and shook his head again: "That's all! I'm tired, you go out."

Nie Tao looked at him unwillingly.

But at this moment, Mrs. Nie's face was full of pain, his eyes were closed tightly, and he seemed to be asleep. The corners of his mouth were drawn down tightly, unwilling to speak any more.

Facing such a scene, Nie Tao had no choice but to leave the room with a disappointed face, and closed the door for Mrs. Nie.

Everyone in the Nie family downstairs has heard the results brought by Nie Qingru.

They were in a commotion, unwilling to believe that Mrs. Nie would choose to lose the century-old reputation of the Nie family to save Nie Qixing in this pawn.

At this time Nie Tao came down from the second floor.

The members of the Nie family immediately surrounded him.

"Patriarch, does the old man really want to protect Nie Qixing at this time?"

"Patriarch, now is not a good time."

"Patriarch, don't we take the Nie family as a target if we come out at this time?"

Seven aunts and eight aunts, a large group of people talked non-stop around Nie Tao.

They only dared to surround Nie Tao to express their dissatisfaction.

Nie Qingru was standing there, and none of them dared to go forward and criticize.

Nie Tao managed to appease everyone.

He walked up to the strong old woman and said pleadingly: "Qingru, even if you want to rescue Qixing, can you delay for two days?"

"I'll give you 12 hours." Nie Qingru lost her patience a long time ago and looked up at him.

Isn't 12 hours only half a day?

Nie Tao opened his mouth, but hadn't had time to speak.

Nie Qingru had already stretched out her hand, and the shadow quickly stepped forward to support her arm: "Queen."

"let's go."

Nie Qingru walked in front, and the shadow followed closely beside her.

She just ignored everyone in the Nie family and left here.


The members of the Nie family felt uncomfortable when they heard the sound of the siren fading away from outside.

The eldest aunt who had been arguing in front of Nie Qingru stood up now and looked at Nie Tao: "Do we have to listen to her?"

(End of this chapter)

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