Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3040 What, is it not going well?

Chapter 3040 What, is it not going well?

There were half-written arrangements scattered on the floor, and many papers had two lines written on them with a pen and then crossed out. There were seven or eight such papers beside the chair Qiao Nian was sitting on alone.

After replying to Guan Yan's message, she put her phone aside again, her long and straight legs were supported under the table, and she glanced at the scattered waste paper on the ground out of the corner of her eye.

Qiao Nian bent down to pick up a piece of paper, and held the paper up to the light.

The white paper is not thick in the first place, and when the light passes through the white paper, the flamboyant and phoenix handwriting on it is even more eye-catching.

Qiao Nian looked at it as if he had found inspiration, and immediately sat up straight and picked up the pen again, and wrote down a string of musical notes on the piece of paper.

"Knock knock."

Half an hour later, there was a knock on the door.

Qiao Nian's eyes wandered, without raising her head, she said, "The door is not closed."

Ye Wangchuan came in from the outside.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw that the girl had only turned on one light. Under the dim light of the desk lamp, she was sitting cross-legged in front of the desk. Her black hair was casually draped over her shoulders. She was wearing loose casual clothes. The lower part is submerged in the collar, and the whole body reveals a rare leisurely feeling.

Ye Wangchuan walked over with a hoarse voice: "What are you writing?"

"Slightly." Qiao Nian moved her body a little, and turned to let him see: "Tsing University is going to participate in an arrangement competition, and there is no one in the traditional musical instrument group, so I will participate instead."

This is exactly what he thought.

"Yeah." Ye Wangchuan was not too surprised, seeing the balls of waste paper scattered on her desk and on the ground, he stepped forward to pick up one for her and threw it into the trash can, and said casually, "Is it going well?"

Qiao Nian watched him help him tidy up the table, let go of the pen in his hand, and let his arms hang casually by the chair, looking lazy: "It's okay."

Ye Wangchuan had already tidied away the scraps of paper she didn't want on her desk, leaving only the one in her hand, which was densely written with a lot of music scores, and there were also traces of ink scribbles. It should be Qiao Nian in the process of arranging the music. Immediately deleted and edited inappropriate places.

"Barely came up with a sample draft." Qiao Nian looked at him: "I'll have to refine it later, it's best to try the effect on a musical instrument."

Ye Wangchuan quickly tidied up the mess around the desk by her, with a tall and straight figure like a pine tree, standing under the soft light, his pair of affectionate eyes seemed to be seductive: "Think about it How is your birthday going?"

"En?" Qiao Nian was preoccupied with either the arrangement or Nie Qingru, never thinking about herself.

Seeing her staring at him in confusion, Ye Wangchuan knew that she had completely forgotten the original intention of coming back.The slender fingertips unconsciously pressed between the eyebrows, and then sighed helplessly: "It's almost your birthday, and you haven't thought about how to live it?"

Qiao Nian came to his senses now, quite indifferent: "Just have a meal."

"Have a meal?"

"Me, Qin Si, Bo Shao, my family, your family, just these relatives and friends get together for a meal." Qiao Nian said it very casually, which shows that she really didn't think about how to celebrate her birthday.

Ye Wangchuan couldn't help but stare at her deeply, pursed his lips for a long time, and brushed the tail of hair on her shoulder with his fingertips: "It's that simple?"

Qiao Nian had already turned her attention back to the arrangement without raising her head: "Then what?"

Ye Wangchuan looked at the light falling on her thin shoulders, and said slowly: "Do you know how people of the same age as you in Beijing celebrate their birthdays?"

(End of this chapter)

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