Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3042 It is necessary to have anything to do with you

Chapter 3042 It is necessary to have anything to do with you

Ye Wangchuan went to the refrigerator to take out a bottle of Coke quite comfortably, then opened the can and poured the iced Coke into a cup, then handed it to the girl sitting next to him: "Drink less, cool your stomach, be careful of your stomach uncomfortable."

Qin Si smacked his lips when he saw it: "Tsk. If you're afraid that Sister Qiao's stomach hurts, you can just give her a drink. Why bother."

After all, he just loves to abuse dogs.

He was still crying about how difficult his life was, but Zhang Yang had already gagged him with a bottle of Coke, while cleverly changing the subject, he asked Qiao Nian seriously: "Miss Qiao, your birthday is coming, what are you going to do?" Yes? Is there any gift you want?"

Qin Si was holding the ice coke, and when he heard this, he was about to answer.

Ye Wangchuan was faster than him, he inserted a hand horizontally, took the chopsticks and bowl from him and put them in front of the girl, then said casually: "Just use your heart."

Zhang Yang nodded again and again, with an expression of 'I understand': "Actually, I have already started preparing gifts for Miss Qiao, but Miss Qiao usually has everything, and I am afraid that the gifts I prepared will not meet Miss Qiao's wishes."

When he said this, he immediately smiled and said: "With the words of Master Wang, I feel relieved."

Look at how beautiful this person said, the high emotional intelligence took care of everyone.

In just a few words, Zhang Yang not only expressed his long-term preparations, but also expressed his gratitude to Ye Wangchuan.

Gu San listened to him so much that he wanted to give him a thumbs up, no wonder he was able to sneak into Young Master Qin's circle, the more he sneaked in, the better.

Qiao Nian also heard the two of them discussing birthday presents back and forth. The hot pot was no longer fragrant, and their heads were as big as a cow. He coughed: "Actually... I really don't need to prepare it specially."

She doesn't even have a birthday until she turns 18!
The whole family of the Qiao family will always only remember Qiao An's birthday. As for her, Aunt Chen will cook a bowl of longevity noodles for her every year on her birthday, and add a fried egg to it for her to eat.

That's all she remembers about her birthday.

"Then how?" Qin Si opened his mouth exaggeratedly.

Zhang Yang and Gu San also spoke at the side: "That's right, we still have to prepare the birthday present that we should prepare, this should have been there in the first place."

"..." Qiao Nian couldn't figure out why they were so excited about their birthday.

Her eyelashes drooped to hide the sadness that flashed in her eyes.

Based on the time of Ji Qing's death, her birthday itself might be a tragedy.

But before Qiao Nian had time to think about it, there was an extra piece of beef in the bowl.

"Let them buy it, they should bleed a little."

She raised her eyes and saw Ye Wangchuan Shi Shiran scalding her belly again with chopsticks, the little negative mentality that had just gathered in her chest disappeared instantly.

Qiao Nian picked up the chopsticks and fiddled with the vegetables in the bowl, her black eyelashes drooped, her posture was extremely relaxed, and she whispered, "I just don't think it's necessary."

Qin Si saw that she was not in high spirits, thinking that she was still worrying about the troubles of the Hermit Family and Independent Continent, so he raised his hand, wanting to speak but not knowing how to persuade her.

I heard Wang Ye's deep and gentle voice: "Everything related to you is necessary. Everyone is willing to prepare gifts for you. If you don't want them, it will make them sad."

Qin Si was still in a daze, and immediately saw his Master Wang glance over, sharp as a knife.

He groaned, came to his senses, and echoed at the side: "Yes, yes, yes, Master Wang is right. Sister Qiao, you are sad because you don't want us. Don't you think so? Zhang Yang."

(End of this chapter)

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