Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3044 Didn't Receive Sister Nian's Invitation

Chapter 3044 Didn't Receive Sister Nian's Invitation
It's Qiao Nian's birthday at the end of the month.

Many people in Beijing received invitations one after another.

This time the invitation was entirely arranged by Ye Wangchuan.

He handed over to Jiang Li the relatives who had notified the Jiang family, and he personally screened the other lists, and only invited those he thought were suitable.

Master Cheng from Ninth Institute and Nie Mi from Tsinghua University received invitations for Qiao Nian's birthday one after another, followed by Yuan Yongqin and Wei Lou. He even considered Xu Jishen.

As most people have received invitations, one family is an exception.

Jiang Group.

Tang Wanru stepped on her high heels and pushed open the office door.

During the period, the secretary of the company cautiously followed her and said, "Ma'am, Mr. Jiang is in a meeting. You can rest inside for a while. When Mr. Jiang comes out of the meeting room, I will inform him of your coming as soon as possible."

Tang Wanru went straight to the mahogany reception sofa in the huge office and sat down. She put her bag beside her without raising her eyelids, and told the secretary, "Pour me a cup of coffee and come in."

"Okay." The secretary didn't dare to provoke her, and went out to make coffee in a hurry.

Within a few minutes, the secretary gently placed the coffee on the table beside her, and said in a low voice, "Madam, I'll go out first? Call me if you have something to do."


Tang Wanru took a sip of the coffee, didn't even bother to raise her hand, and motioned for her to go out and close the door.

After the secretary goes out, close the door of the office.

About two hours passed.

The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes finally pushed open the door of his office, and as soon as he came in and saw her, he pulled off the tie around his collar with his hands, and asked impatiently, "What are you doing here?"

Since Jiang Xianrou was sentenced.

Tang Wanru and Jiang Zongnan were at the stage where they seemed to be in harmony, and the reason why the couple did not divorce was all because of Jiang Yao and Jiang Li's face.

Tang Wanru watched him pass her by, went straight to the desk and sat down, suppressing her anger and walked over: "Did you receive the invitation from that one?"

"Who?" Without raising his head, Jiang Zongnan put down the pen used for the meeting, took a folder and opened it, and buried himself in his work.

Seeing that he didn't even want to look at her, Tang Wanru pinched the palms of her hands, and finally couldn't hold back her resentment: "You don't want to see me that much."

Hearing her plaintive accusation, Jiang Zongnan finally moved his eyes away from the document, and looked up at the woman standing in front of his desk.

Tang Wanru has aged a lot, the corners of her eyes and brows are still the same as before, but she has lost her former vigor, and she looks exhausted even with expensive makeup.

He looked at his wife, whom he had loved for decades and had children for him, and hadn't hardened his heart. He sighed and put down his pen, and asked, "Tell me."

Seeing that he was finally willing to put down work and listen to her, Tang Wanru said quickly, "I was out drinking tea with some friends this afternoon, and I heard that the Zhang family even received birthday invitations from your good niece. Doesn't it sound like her family hasn't received her birthday invitation yet!"

"People asked me today, and I didn't know how to answer, so I could only pretend that I had received the invitation card a long time ago." Tang Wanru's face was ashen, very ugly: "What do you mean by her?!"

Jiang Zongnan understood after listening for a long time, raised his head and asked her, "You mean Nian Nian?"

"Heh, who else is it if it's not her?!" Tang Wanru couldn't hide the disgust and hatred on her face, but here she cared about not receiving Qiao Nian's invitation.

This behavior itself is extremely contradictory.

The contradiction is ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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