Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3061 The person who even takes off her hat for sister Nian

Chapter 3061 The person who even takes off her hat for sister Nian

He couldn't imagine the achievements of this old man.

Master Cheng seemed to see the surprise in his eyes, smiled, his eyes were full of yearning and said: "It's normal that you don't know him. Mr. Qian and Mr. Wei are from the same era. The masters of that era were not like us juniors chasing after him. Fame and profit, many people hide their names for the country for the rest of their lives, and return all their talents to the motherland. Compared with them, what am I?!"

What he said was sonorous and powerful, as if returning to the glorious years of the past, yearning for the era when talents were born in large numbers.

"Mr. Qian's achievements in atomic energy have already surpassed the world's cutting-edge level, and he is the only existence. Otherwise, you can see why the world-renowned black weapon master Smith sees him like a mouse sees a cat, so he admits it. gone."

"But he's not losing money! Mr. Qian can go out to chat with him, and the time for a cup of tea is better than him studying for several years."

He said that he wished he could replace Smith and have a cup of tea with Mr. Qian.

Bao Jingxing watched Master Cheng talk about Qian's life with excitement, and immediately understood the origin of this seemingly plainly dressed old man.

In the past, there were indeed a group of scientists who kept their names incognito for decades. For the prosperity of their own country, many of their cutting-edge research results were not even released to the public, and they gave back to their beloved motherland without reservation.

This kind of spirit alone is worthy of becoming a master and respectfully calling them masters.

Bao Jingxing looked at the girl who took off her peaked cap again, and instantly understood why Qiao Nian took off her peaked cap as soon as she saw the old man, and took off her hat. This was her silent respect for old masters like Mr. Qian. Respect is higher than a thousand catties, higher than all the bells and whistles of flattery and flattery.

She is expressing her admiration for Qian Lao in her own way.

He couldn't help lowering his head and lifting the glasses frame, with a smile on his lips: "I didn't expect her to have someone who was convinced."

"What?" Master Cheng was confused.

Bao Jingxing looked at him Shi Shiran, with a smile on his face, he looked very gentle and harmless to humans and animals: "It's nothing, I'm feeling that Master Wang was able to invite Mr. Qian."

As expected, Master Cheng was distracted by him, looked in Ye Wangchuan's direction, and couldn't help but click his tongue: "Yeah, I didn't expect him to invite Mr. Qian. Mr. Qian came to give gifts in person, just because of this card In the past few decades, there should not be a coming-of-age ceremony in Beijing that people talk about more than today."

Bao Jingxing was noncommittal, and turned his attention to Qiao Nian and the others together with Master Cheng, paying special attention to the handsome man.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help laughing again.

——I'm afraid that what Master Wang wanted from the very beginning was this unmatched preference!

Feng Yu and Xie Tingyun pushed the cake before.

Later, Smith and Mr. Qian came to give gifts.

Today's birthday party is destined to be remembered by the celebrities who came to Beijing for a lifetime.

Until the end of the birthday party, there were still many people who were unwilling to leave.

Jiang Zongnan and the others were only eligible to go to the main table to find Mr. Jiang, and they saw Jiang Li who was also arranged at the main table.

Jiang Zongnan was a little cautious: "How do we go later? Are you going back with me?"

He asked Jiang Li.

Jiang Li put one hand on the back of the chair, and saw his father and elder brother with a group of relatives coming around him from the side. He paused for a moment with a smile. Send grandpa back to the nursing home later."

(End of this chapter)

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