Chapter 3063 Grandpa's gift

Ouch!The stinky boy is good at taking down his father-in-law!

Mr. Ye got up quickly, and pulled them away with a smile on his face, lest he move slowly and the Jiang family would change his mind.

He didn't forget to call Jiang Li, too, and asked him to help Mr. Jiang who was in poor health.

The enthusiastic attitude made the relatives of the Jiang family dumbfounded.

Only when Mr. Ye took away Mr. Jiang and Jiang Zongjin with his left hand and his right hand, did the relatives of the Jiang family dare to speak out.

"There are people outside who say that the Ye family doesn't like Qiao Nian. I don't know if it's someone without eyes talking nonsense. Is this called looking down upon?"

This is too fancy!
The other relatives of the Jiang family also thought the same, and they showed expressions of emotion.

Only my aunt and grandma's family could barely smile.

They openly stood in line with Jiang Xianrou and Tang Wanru's mother and daughter. Even if Qiao Nian became successful in the future, they would not be able to enjoy the bonus.

So the better Qiao Nian's life was, the more unhappy they felt.

Jiang Yao looked away a long time ago, looked at the relatives who were discussing enthusiastically here, took his car keys, and said lightly: "Let's go, go home."

The birthday party is over.

There's no reason for them to stay here any longer, it's time to go.

My cousin regretted deeply when she saw him, and she couldn't smile at all. She pulled her son up and was unwilling to talk to him: "We drove by ourselves, so we won't go with you."

Jiang Zongnan watched her take the family away without looking back, and he was a little annoyed with the look of looking at himself.

Jiang Yao saw that he was not angry, and said softly beside him: "She is the same as us. It's just that there is no regret in this world, and the damage caused before will not disappear! So forget it, people have to make choices for themselves Responsible."

Jiang Zongnan looked at him in surprise and approval: "You really think so?"

Jiang Yao nodded, after experiencing things, his temperament has matured a lot: "Yes."

"You've grown up." Jiang Zongnan himself felt uncomfortable all morning + noon, and he didn't feel better until this moment.

He walked over and patted Jiang Yao on the shoulder. The unwillingness in his chest dissipated, and he said to Jiang Yao: "Let's go, go back to the company first, and follow up a project for me."

Jiang Li will pursue his ideals in the future and take the road of playing music. It seems that he doesn't want to take over his family's company.

Jiang Yao used to be the proud son of heaven, his vision was higher than that of the capital, and he yearned for a vast world, and he also looked down on Jiang's enterprises.

Now Jiang Yao has settled down and matured.

Jiang Zongnan finally found hope for the future.

Qiao Nian would not and could not want the Jiang Group. The Jiang Group always needed a successor. If Jiang Yao could take over in a down-to-earth manner, it would be the best result for the Jiang family and for him.

Jiang Yao understood what his father meant, his lips twitched for a moment, and finally let go of his obsession with the illegal area and Tianchen, and nodded to his expectant father, his voice hoarse: "Okay."


on the top floor.

Qiao Nian was blowing the wind on the roof, and the corners of her clothes were rattling by the wind. She had put the peaked cap on her head again, looking rustic and cool. After looking at the scenery under the roof, she turned and leaned against the edge wall of the roof Going up, propping up your legs, slightly raised your thin eyelids: "What did you call me up for?"

Ye Wangchuan and her were wearing the same color shirts, which looked like a couple outfit, standing face to face, one step away from her, with the same outstanding appearance, smiled and murmured as he handed her a palm-sized box: "A gift."

(End of this chapter)

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