Chapter 3074 His unknown secret
The age of the person on the yellowed photo cannot be seen, only the facial features of the person can be vaguely seen.

The woman in the photo was standing there quietly, with exquisite facial features and a bright and outstanding appearance. She was very eye-catching in terms of appearance, but the pixels were too poor at the time, so she couldn't tell who she was based on the photo.

Moreover, there are traces of cutting with scissors on the edge of this photo. It can be seen that Nie Qixing specially cut out a part of a certain person from a complete large photo, leaving only a 6-inch size for him to carry in his wallet at any time. On the body……

Nie Qixing rubbed the old photo with his fingertips, carefully stuffed it into his wallet and hid it, then put the wallet into the drawer.

He returned to his expressionless face, closed the drawer, took the car keys and left the house.

after an hour.

His car drove into the underground parking lot of the clubhouse.

Nie Qixing took the elevator up with ease.

"Young Master Nie."

"Young Master Nie."

Along the way, he met people who greeted him.

Nie Qixing didn't even raise his eyelids, and walked straight to the private room he often goes to.

It was only a few days ago that a big mess was made, and Zhang Yin's incident caused a lot of criticism from the public, but the club was backed by his big Buddha, and recently he just kept a low profile, not because of a small Zhang Yin Just close down.

When Nie Qixing opened the door and entered, Zhou Zheng was already waiting for him inside.

Seeing him, Zhou Zheng got up quickly: "Young Master Qi."

This box is huge, and there are all kinds of entertainment facilities such as KTV and billiards inside, and there is even a separate bar in the box.

There are a lot of expensive wines on the wine cabinet at the bar, some of which cost six or seven figures a bottle, which shows how extravagant his private life is.

Nie Qixing walked in, glanced at the woman standing shivering in the corner under the dim light, threw the car keys on the coffee table, and sat down on the sofa: "Well, I asked you to check for me on the way, have you checked? "

After Zhou Zheng sat down, he dared to find a seat close to him, and when his butt touched him, he heard his question, and suddenly fidgeted.

"Young Master Qi, it's not that I don't want to investigate."

He looked puzzled: "I have searched all over the relationship, but I can't find the person you mentioned. Besides, her identity is mainly in Independence Island. Independence Island is not a place where outsiders like me can reach out. It's because we can't find out about Ji's family."

Nie Qixing poured himself a glass of vodka, picked up the glass and shook it.

Zhou Zheng became more and more disturbed by his shaking, and said bravely: "Although I didn't find out her relationship with Ji's family, I found out that she has several relatives in Beijing."

Nie Qixing's movement of shaking the glass froze, and his eyelids slightly raised to look at him: "Oh, tell me."

Zhou Zheng told him all the few things he had found, and at the end, he kindly reminded him: "She had something to do with the overturn of Yu's car before, and it seems that someone in Beijing was moved."

"Zhang Yin was unlucky to mess with people he shouldn't have messed with, and he went in. We really don't need to get into unnecessary trouble for him..."

"Hey, unnecessary trouble?" Nie Qixing smiled without saying a word, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, leaving only a chill.

How could an ant like Zhou Zheng understand how miserable he was by Qiao Nian this time? It was not as simple as losing a chapter.

How could he swallow this breath!
(End of this chapter)

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