Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3076 Mr. Ye came to find sister Nian

Chapter 3076 Mr. Ye came to find sister Nian

Qiao Nian left the campus from the teaching building through the tree-lined path.

As soon as she walked to the school gate, she saw a black Mercedes-Benz on the side of the road and stopped behind it. It seemed that she had been waiting for a long time.

Qiao Nian pulled down the brim of her hat impatiently, narrowed her black eyes, and was about to pretend she didn't see it and move on.

"Miss Qiao, wait a minute." The Mercedes-Benz door opened, the driver got out of the car, and hurriedly called her to stop.


Hearing the familiar voice, Qiao Nian couldn't help but slow down and look sideways.

The driver was in his early fifties, wearing a formal suit, with a straight face and a serious face, trotting up to her.

"Miss Qiao, Elder Ye is waiting for you in the car."

He laughed when he saw Qiao Nian, and his attitude was still very respectful, revealing a bit of intimacy towards girls in his respect.

Qiao Nian recognized him as the driver who had been with Mr. Ye all year round, so he nodded at him and walked back with him: "Is there anything the old man can do for me?"

The driver led the way and replied, "I don't know about that."

"He first went to look for you at the place where Ye Shao lived. Gu San said that you came to the school. He waited for you outside Tsinghua University again. He waited for more than half an hour. He probably looked for something important."

"En." Qiao Nian replied.

The two walked in front of the Mercedes-Benz in a blink of an eye, and the driver went to help her open the door: "Miss Qiao, you get in the car first."

Sure enough, Qiao Nian saw the old man sitting in the car.

Ye Maoshan is still wearing his favorite Chinese tunic suit today, looking upright and energetic, seeing her coming, with a kind and gentle smile in his wise eyes, he waved to her: "Come on, it's hot outside, get in the car."

Beijing is close to the day of July, so it is really hot.

The heat wave outside rolled over and over again, and the cicadas on the trees were drowsy. There were not many people walking on the road outside the school.

Fortunately, the green trees outside Tsingta University grow luxuriantly, and the outstretched branches and leaves can block the sun and cover a green shade on the sidewalk.

Qiao Niangang has been walking on the sidewalk.

The air conditioner in the car is fully turned on.

In addition, Ye Maoshan has been calling her to go up.

Qiao Nian bent over and got into the car neatly, and closed the door by the way.

The driver saw her get in the car and went around to the front driver's seat.

Turning on the air conditioner in the car was really cool. Mr. Ye still felt that it was not enough, so he tilted his head and asked her with concern: "Is it too hot? Shall I ask the driver to turn down the air conditioner by two degrees?"

At the same time, he still didn't forget to complain about his unreliable grandson: "That brat is too, why didn't he drive you in such a hot day. I really don't know how he is a boyfriend! When I go back, I have to teach him a lesson!"

Qiao Nian was not good at getting along with elders, especially such enthusiastic and caring elders. She even had a headache and her temples were twisted, so she could only purse her lower lip and explain, "I didn't let them see you off. I'm out to do errands, I don't know when I'll finish, so I don't want to be too troublesome."

"Oh, that's it." When Mr. Ye heard that she asked for it, he couldn't say anything more, but he didn't forget to frown and scold the brat at home: "Next time you ask him to wait outside, anyway, he is at home It’s also playing with friends, why not come out to accompany you on business, at least you can be a driver to pick up and drop off your servants.”

The driver is already in the car.

As soon as he came up, he heard Ye Lao, a highly respected man in Beijing, yelling at his grandson behind him.

The driver couldn't help making black lines, noticing that the girl in the rearview mirror rubbed her forehead frequently, and softly changed the subject, "Old Ye, we have picked up Ms. Qiao, where are we going now?"

(End of this chapter)

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