Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3078 Someone who claimed to be your grandmother's friend came to me last night

Chapter 3078 Someone who claimed to be your grandmother's friend came to me last night

Taking the opportunity to peek at Qiao Nian again, he seemed a little puzzled, but he didn't stay too long, and said politely: "Those two guests drink slowly, call me if you need something."

"Thank you." The girl said lazily in a hoarse voice.

The clerk took his tray, looked at her a few more times before leaving, and left here step by step.

Qiao Nian waited for her to leave, then casually inserted the straw on the table into the coke, lowered her head and took two sips of the coke with the straw in her mouth.

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

Mr. Ye didn't come here to drink water. Seeing her speak first, he pondered for a while before he said slowly: "After you left last night, someone found me and talked to me about you."

"Who?" Qiao Nian let go of the Coke and sat back.

Ye Maoshan observed her expression and said, "Your grandma."

Qiao Nian was leaning on her position, her almond eyes were half-closed, she looked sleepy, and her whole body was full of laziness and carelessness.

Until Ye Maoshan said the word 'grandmother'.

The aura around her became cold.

Although Qiao Nian didn't make a big move, she just pushed the Coke in front of her with her hands, but it made people feel her surlyness clearly.

"What did she want from you?"

Ye Maoshan looked at her distressedly, because he really felt distressed, so he wanted to tell her: "It wasn't she who found me, but she entrusted someone to find me."

"The person said that she cared about you very much, and asked me about your previous experience in the city circle, and what majors you studied at Tsinghua University... and tentatively asked me if I knew what you were doing in Independence Island."

Qiao Nian remembered that she hadn't told Old Man Ye that she was going to Independent Island, although Old Man Ye knew she was in Independent State later, but she did keep it from them.

When she heard this, her eyelashes trembled, and her black pupils looked at the old man sitting opposite her, with a guilty look on her face, and she didn't know where to start to explain to him.

Fortunately, Ye Maoshan saw her restraint, and immediately raised his hand and said gently: "You don't need to explain to me what you did, I know you have been tracking down your mother's death. If that brat didn't tell me, I can guess it myself I also know that you are not going around the city."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you and Aunt Ye." Qiao Nian felt more guilty, sat upright, and apologized to him solemnly.

Even if Mr. Ye was a little bit sad before, he went to Independent Island to see Qiao Nian, which showed that he hadn't taken it to heart.

"Let's talk about that person last night." He said to Qiao Nian, ""I made up a few words, but didn't tell him anything. He didn't see anything, so he stopped talking to me. "

"En." Qiao Nian didn't take these tricks to heart: "It doesn't matter if you tell him, it won't affect me."

Ye Maoshan had a worried look on his eyebrows, he hesitated to speak but didn't know how to ask her: "Nian Nian, are you looking into your mother's affairs?"

Independent Continent...

That's where Ji Qing came from.

Qiao Nian felt guilty for lying to him about going to Independent Island, so she sat up straight with a serious face on her fair face: "Well, I've been investigating."

"How many have you found?"

"But not much was found. It's been too long, and many things are hard to find."

Ye Maoshan pondered for a moment, thought for a while, and began to talk: "I know some things about your mother, but not much, maybe I can help you."

In the next hour, he briefly explained to Qiao Nian how the next season's love appeared in Beijing, and how he saved him again.

Because of this reason, the two families made a baby marriage at that time, and they were waiting for Ji Qing to conceive and have a baby in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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