Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3085 Boss, do you think I look like a strawberry cake?

Chapter 3085 Boss, do you think I look like a strawberry cake?
At the same time, Qiao Nian had just arrived at the place that Lanting had made an appointment with Siao Yaokong.

"Boss, here!!" The slender waist controller still had dazzling bird feathers, as soon as he saw her, he immediately got up and waved at her frantically, as if he was afraid that she would not see him.

Moreover, his voice was full of energy, and he yelled in a very social tone, making Lan Ting's people turn their heads to look in their direction frequently.

Qiao Nian lowered her peaked cap to almost cover her entire face, then walked slowly in front of him, dragged aside the chair and sat down.

The slender waist control didn't realize that he was too noisy, so he leaned over and asked, "Boss, why are you covering your face? Do you have pimples on your face?"

"Give me a glass of warm water." Qiao Nian asked the waiter to give him a glass of plain water.


The waiter just heard his carefree voice, so he secretly stared at the girl's face, as if he could see the pimples.

Fortunately, the girl lowered her peaked cap at the beginning and wore a hoodie again. Although the waiter was very close, she could still only see the girl's superior jaw line...

Qiao Nian probably felt the close attention of others, ordered two cakes and returned the menu, then glanced at the waiter who was standing still.

"Just these two." Her voice was cold and hoarse, with a carelessness in her bones.

The waiter often sees this kind of people in Lanting, and he knows that this kind of customers are definitely not people they can offend. Even though he saw that the girls were dressed in ordinary clothes, he didn't dare to peek at the customers again, and hurriedly held the menu Hastily said: "Okay, I'll deliver your meal right away."

After watching him go, Qiao Nian put one arm on the back of the chair, sat obliquely on the seat, raised her head slightly, revealing that delicate and outstanding face, and her cold almond eyes showed a slender waist controlling a swaggering bird Mao He's handsome face comparable to that of two idiots: "You..."

"What, what?" Slender Waist Control was almost bored and went crazy in Beijing. At any rate, when Qiao Nian came back, he was full of desire for performance, and stared at her with bright eyes, like a big golden retriever waiting for praise.

Qiao Nian looked at his expression of 'quickly praise me', and immediately turned her eyes inexplicably: "...It's okay."

The slender waist control was confused.

When the waiter brought the cake and water she ordered, Qiao Nian picked up a small fork and cut a piece of cake, then pushed the remaining piece in front of him: "Try it? I've been here a few times before, and the cakes from this shop tasty."

Only the baker in Lanting is good at craftsmanship, the others are really so-so.

The slender waist control looked at the strawberry cake she pushed in front of him, paused in the air with the hand that picked up the fork, and said, "Boss, when did you like to eat sweets?"

Qiao Nian had already dealt with his share of desserts. Hearing this, he raised his head, his eyes sharpened: "I didn't like it at first, but when I saw you, I thought it was better to eat something sweet."

"What do you mean?" Slender Waist Control scratched the bird feathers on his head, and said very puzzled, "You said I look like a strawberry cake? What kind of description is that?"

Why did sun think of sweets when he saw him?

So he is sweet?

The slender waist control just felt that he had figured it out, and was about to ask the girl.

I heard the girl's voice slowly.

"Sugar stimulates the secretion of dopamine, which makes people feel happy."

The slender waist controls the brain's response is not slow, otherwise it will not be able to enter the Hongmeng, just like what Guan Yan said, the brain is more twisted, and the brain circuit is not the same as that of ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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