Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3088 He contacted Jiang Zongjin first when he got off the plane

Chapter 3088 He contacted Jiang Zongjin first when he got off the plane
A group of people get in the car first.

It was difficult for Lu Zhi to move, so Jian Jin directed the bodyguards to help him up first, but she fell behind herself, and Lu Zhi sat down in the car before getting in the car by herself.

There is a lot of space in the car, and the air conditioner is fully turned on.

As soon as Jian Jin went up, she found a seat and sat down, stretched her neck and asked the young man in the back row: "Boss, shall we go to Qiao first or go back to the hotel?"

Lu Zhi closed his eyes before and let two bodyguards help his frail body into the car, but now his lips are pale as if there is no color.

Hearing this, his eyelashes trembled, his thin eyelids lifted slightly, and when he opened his eyes, there was no sadness or joy in his pupils like a dummy: "Go to Tsinghua University first."

Why did the boss go to Tsinghua University?Jian Jin turned her head full of confusion, and whispered to the driver: "Go to Tsinghua University."

The black Lincoln car on the road outside the airport was driving steadily towards the center of Beijing, and the wheels crushed the gossip outside who were still talking about Lu Zhi's lame leg.


In the car.

After a short rest, Lu Zhi found his mobile phone from the wheelchair on the left, unhurriedly found out the number he made a few days ago and dialed it again.

After a few seconds, it was picked up over there.

"Mr. Lu, are you calling me to ask me something?" Jiang Zongjin's voice was full of doubts.

Lu Zhi's attitude was very polite: "Uncle Jiang just call me Xiao Lu."

He is the uncrowned king of the illegal area. Looking around the illegal area, there is no one who dares to call him Xiao Lu, so Jian Jin gets closer to him and occasionally dares to joke in front of him. Others dare not even be arrogant in front of him. Make one!
Not to mention calling him Xiaolu.

That pure life is boring.

Jiang Zongjin didn't know much about him, he only knew that Jiang Yao had stayed in Tianchen for a while and talked about the power of Tianchen and Lu Zhi.

He said cautiously and without losing his vigor: "You are a partner of Tsinghua University's chip project, so it is more appropriate for me to call you Mr. Lu."

Lu Zhi mentioned with a smile: "Uncle Jiang, Niannian and I are friends who have known each other for many years, just treat me as an ordinary junior."

"You and Niannian are friends?" Jiang Zongjin was slightly surprised.

However, he quickly remembered that there were several incidents involving Tianchen before, and Qiao Nian acted as if he knew Lu Zhi very well, it seemed that Lu Zhi did not seem to be lying.

"Well, we've known each other for many years." The smile on Lu Zhi's lips faded, but nostalgia and seriousness could be seen in his voice: "She and I... have a fateful friendship."

Jiang Zongjin was so shocked by his words of "a friend who passed his fate" that he didn't recover for a long time. It wasn't that he was surprised, but he didn't expect Lu Zhi to tell him this.

Lu Zhi seemed to understand how to deal with Jiang Zongjin very well. Before Jiang Zongjin could speak, he said slowly: "She is also a matchmaker in the project that Tianchen is cooperating with Qing University this time. I believe her judgment and Uncle Jiang, so It was only then that I decided to hand over the opportunity of chip cooperation to the scientific research team of Tsinghua University."

He made a phone call without hesitation in the car.

Jian Jin was not worried at first.

Because Lu Zhi has always been a workaholic, he can't wait to spend 24 hours on various tasks.

She listened behind her and realized something was wrong, "Uncle Jiang", "Nian Nian" and "Tsinghua University's scientific research project" in Lu Zhi's mouth all revolved around Qiao.

She also realized who Lu Zhi was calling.

She heard Lu Zhi continue to say: "I've already arrived in Beijing, if it's convenient, can Uncle Jiang come out and meet for dinner?"

(End of this chapter)

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