Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3092 He can really offend people, he offended a room of people in a short time

Chapter 3092 He can really offend people, offending a whole room of people in a short time
Qin Si just took out his mobile phone and turned it sideways to open the game. When he saw the performance of the little follower brought by Master Cheng, he said with a half-smile: "Young people are quite tempered now."

Yu Wenhao heard that he was talking about himself, and immediately looked over, frowning, and was about to push back: "You don't seem to be much older than me."

The implication is that we don't know who is older, and you are old-fashioned and say who is young.

"Tsk! Awesome." Seeing his appearance like a firecracker, Qin Si fixed his eyes, touched the earrings on his earlobe, and smacked his lips first.

Gu San hurriedly poured him a cup of tea, and advised him: "Miss Qiao is still busy up there, let's keep our voice down."

Qin Si sat up straight, took a sip of the teacup to suppress his anger, and said with a half-smile: "I know sister Qiao is busy, don't worry, I don't even have this bit of grace."

As he spoke, he looked in Yu Wenhao's direction, and the more he looked at it, the more unpleasant it became.

He said that he didn't care about Yu Wenhao, but his body was very honest. He put the cup back and raised his eyebrows: "No, you came here with Master Cheng. Don't you know who Sister Qiao is?"

"Who is she?" Yu Wenhao said impatiently: "I don't care who she is, our teacher has been waiting here for almost an hour, should she come down? Could it be that if she doesn't come down, we have to wait here forever ? Our time is precious too!"

After hearing this, Qin Si turned his head and said to Ye Wangchuan: "Master Wang, it seems that he not only doesn't know Sister Qiao, he doesn't even know you."

Master Cheng didn't expect that the assistant he brought would offend all these people in the blink of an eye. He had a headache for a while, and quickly scolded the dissatisfied Yu Wenhao: "If you continue to behave like this, go back first, I don't need you to stay with me gone."


Yu Wenhao was quite aggrieved, and after all, he lost his momentum by standing on the sidelines. He reluctantly bowed his head to Master Cheng and admitted his mistake: "I see...I will obediently wait here..."

Seeing him drooping his head, Master Cheng finally calmed down, sighed, and said directly to Ye Wangchuan: "Young Master Ye, he is impatient and has no malicious intentions."

This Yu Wenhao is a bit level, otherwise he wouldn't be selected from the new batch of members of the Nine Institutes as an assistant.

Master Cheng also cherishes talents, and he doesn't want to ruin a good seedling because of a trivial matter, so he hastened to plead for him: "...for the old man's sake, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Only then did Ye Wangchuan sit up straight, glanced at the man who was still a bit unconvinced, then looked at Master Cheng who spoke earnestly, and said with a slight smile: "Don't worry, I won't avenge myself for such a trivial matter. "

"I know you are not such a person." Master Cheng answered.

Ye Wangchuan said "hmm", turned his head to look at the time on the wall, then looked at Master Cheng, got up and said, "Niannian probably didn't see the WeChat message, I'll go up and call her."

Master Cheng stood up, opened his mouth, and reached out his hand to stop him: "It's nothing, I'll just sit down for a while."

His voice did not fall.

The two of them heard Gu San's surprised voice: "Miss Qiao, you're down!"

Ye Wangchuan, Master Cheng, and Qin Si all looked in the direction of the stairs.

Among them, Yu Wenhao immediately turned his head to look at the girl coming down the stairs.

Qiao Nian didn't wear a peaked cap at home, showing a face of Qingshui Furong, which is too eye-catching!

Her appearance becomes a symbol of impracticality in the eyes of people engaged in scientific research. After all, no one believes that a beautiful girl can calm down and deal with boring academics.

(End of this chapter)

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