Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3098 What about Lu Zhi?where is he?

Chapter 3098 What about Lu Zhi?where is he?

He had already eaten half of it, so he simply put down the knife and fork, wiped his mouth gracefully with a piece of paper, and stared at Jian Jin seriously with his eyes and expression: "What do you think of my performance at noon today?"

Jian Jin scratched her nose, coughed dryly, did not answer his question directly, and asked him instead: "Boss, don't you want to take the road of saving the country?"

Who knew that Lu Zhi didn't deny it, but said indifferently, "No?"

"Ahem!" Jian Jin didn't expect that she guessed it right: "It's not, it's not impossible... But Boss, what you gave Joe's father at noon today is green tea... and 4 cans."

Lu Zhi looked at her without knowing it, and frowned impatiently: "What's wrong with 4 cans? Isn't the more the better?"

He would have liked to give some more.

Four cans is already the least choice when he is very restrained.

Jian Jin didn't know how to say to him: "Well, let's think about the gift you gave me together, 4 cans of green tea, does it sound like dead green tea?"

At noon today, she wanted to say that it would be fine to send two cans. Firstly, good things come in pairs, and secondly, the portion is not too much, so it won't be too much psychological burden for people to put it away.

But Lu Zhi insisted on taking two more boxes, which ended up being this embarrassing number.

"I heard that people in country Z are very taboo about the number 4, which is not very auspicious..."

Lu Zhi tilted his head, and finally realized that he had sent the wrong one, so he pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes, and said in a bad tone, "Why didn't you say it earlier."

Jian Jin was asked so that the black line on her forehead hung down, and she was about to explain herself to him.

at this time.

Her cell phone rang.

Jian Jin took out her mobile phone and lowered her head. When Qiao Nian's name was displayed on the caller, her expression changed slightly, and she quickly turned her back and hung up the phone.

Lu Zhi noticed her reaction and the small movement of hanging up the phone, raised his jaw slightly and asked her, "Whose phone is it?"

Jian Jin turned around and looked back: "Uh, a friend..."

Lu Zhi stared at her urgently, as if he saw that she was lying, and asked unhurriedly, "Why didn't you answer?"

"..." Jian Jin's scalp felt numb from his question.

The tone of Joe's call to her before was very similar to Xingshi's questioning, how did she answer it?Isn't she afraid that Joe will blow your dog's head off!

Jian Jin had no choice but to think about it in her heart. Facing Lu Zhi, she couldn't think of a suitable excuse for a while: "It's not important for her to find me."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

"Knock knock."

The two sounds seemed to knock on Jian Jin's heart.

Jian Jin's heart beat faster, she didn't dare to look into Lu Zhi's eyes, and ran to the door in a panic: "I'll go see who it is, it must be the hotel waiter, I told them that there is no need for service here for the time being."

She ran so fast that she didn't even notice Lu Zhi's back tensed up suddenly and his fingers stiffened. She had already guessed who was coming.


Qiao Nian was wearing a peaked cap and a hoodie over his head, standing outside with a blank expression, waiting for the people inside to open the door.

She didn't even keep knocking on the door.

It seemed that the people inside heard the knock on the door.

It turns out she was right.

One minute later, Jian Jin hurriedly opened the door, and when she saw her, her expression became unpredictable, anxious and embarrassed: "Hey, why did you come here directly?"

Qiao Nian shook the phone: "I called you, but you didn't answer."


Jian Jin stood still, not knowing what to say for a while.

Qiao Nian didn't make things difficult for her, and looked inside: "Where's Lu Zhi? Inside."

(End of this chapter)

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