Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3101 Sister Nian guessed right, Lu Zhi wants to see people from the 9th Institute

Chapter 3101 Sister Nian guessed right, Lu Zhi wants to see someone from the Nine Institutes
Jian Jin now feels a headache when she sees his call, so she answers it patiently: "Hello."

"She's gone?" Lu Zhi couldn't hear any emotion in his voice.

Jian Jin immediately looked at the hotel's surveillance probe, knowing that Lu Zhi had already invaded the hotel's surveillance, and that every move of the entire hotel could not escape his eyes.

She said angrily, "Ah, Joe just left."

"..." Lu Zhi was silent for a while without speaking.

Jian Jin listened to the rustling electric current in the mobile phone, and felt uncomfortable, so she couldn't help asking him, "Boss, what exactly do you want?"


"Just tell me the truth, do you still want to make up with Qiao?"

Lu Zhi didn't speak.

Jian Jin said: "If you really want to reconcile with Qiao, I will help you to apologize to her. If you don't want to reconcile with Qiao, you can just say it! I don't have to be stuck in the middle."

She vented all her dissatisfaction at once, and waited for a long time, thinking that Lu Zhi always wanted to answer her directly.

Unexpectedly, Lu Zhi was silent for a few minutes, and said to her: "Jiu all of us want to come, please help me pick him up."

"Nine institutes?"

Jian Jin realized where the Nine Institutes were, her mind was buzzing, and her head exploded!

Isn't that thing Ye Fanchuan's territory?
Moreover, the Nine Institutes belong to the existence of secrets in Beijing, and the fields involved are all the top secrets of country Z.

Why did the people from the Ninth Institute come to them?

Jian Jin remembered what Qiao Nian said before leaving, and her scalp became numb: "You... you came to Beijing to find Qiao, didn't you?"

"He'll be right there, you meet him at the door." Lu Zhi didn't tell her what he wanted to do when he met the people from the Nine Institutes.

Jian Jin opened her mouth, but no sound came out of her throat.

She originally thought that she had been with him for so long, and that she was the person who knew Lu Zhi best in the world, but she never felt at ease with what she could see through at a glance...

Jian Jin felt a little uncomfortable suddenly, a sour feeling welled up in her heart, almost swallowing her.

In order to hide her sadness, she agreed wholeheartedly: "Got it."

Qiao Nian returned to her residence from the hotel.

Master Cheng just came out of the study, saw Qiao Nian's face full of spring breeze, and thanked her very sincerely: "Nian Nian, thank you this time, thanks to your help, I was able to contact Mr. Feng and Ms. Xie..."

Qiao Nian changed her shoes, walked over to return the car keys to Qin Si, and said nonchalantly, "It's okay, as long as I can help you."

"It helped me a lot this time!" Master Cheng expressed his thanks without hesitation.

Qiao Nian's brain was hurting, and she was still thinking about Lu Zhi. She went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of iced Coke. Faced with Master Cheng's gratitude, she was a little absent-minded: "You are my elder, and you are contributing to national scientific research. As long as I can help, there is no reason not to help."

Listening to her answer, Master Cheng showed a feeling of emotion, but he didn't continue to be polite. After all, if he continued to be polite, he would feel a little sorry for Qiao Nian's sincerity.

"Then I won't say thank you."

"Yeah." Qiao Nian opened the coke can, only to realize that he only took one bottle, so he looked up at Master Cheng and the others: "Do you want it?"

She was quite serious.

Master Cheng couldn't help but burst out laughing, quickly shook his head, and said with a smile, "Forget about my old bones...I get a headache after drinking these high-calorie foods."

Qiao Nian also remembered that he didn't sleep well, and he really wanted to drink less carbonated drinks, so he looked to the other side, the strange face beside him: "What about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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