Chapter 3107 Luye: I want to fish

Ye Wangchuan turned on the copier next to him, and printed out all the drawings in the mail, there were twenty pages.

He stretched his legs and got up, took a thick stack of papers on the table, left the study and went up to the second floor, and knocked on the door of the girl's room.

"Can I go in?"


The slightly hoarse voice of the girl who had just taken a shower came from inside.

A little sloppy.

And a little lazy.

Hearing her voice, Ye Wangchuan raised the corners of his mouth unconsciously, pushed the door open and entered.

Bao Jingxing was right, no matter whether Lu Zhi was involved in this matter or not, at least there should be no concealment between him and her.

Even if the original intention may be good intentions, concealment is concealment, and subsequent explanations will not make any sense.

The weather is muggy in summer.

Qiao Nian sat on the chair and wiped her hair. The black hair in the shawl was half dry, and it would dry naturally after a while.

It happened that Ye Wangchuan came in from the outside.

Qiao Nian threw the towel on the table and waited for it to dry naturally.

She noticed the thick stack of papers in Ye Wangchuan's hands, raised her eyebrows, and said lazily, "You want something from me?"

She refers to the things that Ye Fanchuan brought.

Of course Ye Wangchuan saw where her eyes were going, walked in front of her, and naturally handed over the things in his hand: "Look at this."

Qiao Nian took it in doubt, and glanced down, when he saw the blueprint on it.

She put away her idle sitting posture, straightened her back, frowned and looked carefully, then raised her head: "This is..."

"The project that the Nine Institute has been secretly researching." Ye Wangchuan went inside and brought her a hair dryer, plugged in the hair dryer, and asked her to sit there: "Come here, I'll help you dry your hair."

Qiao Nian's mind was full of the things on the blueprint, and he was absent-minded: "No, it will do it by itself."

Ye Wangchuan simply dragged her over with someone and a chair, and said disapprovingly: "It's too late now, you can go to bed without blowing it dry, and you'll get migraines easily when you're old."

As he spoke, he turned the hair dryer to the minimum, and helped the girl to dry her hair smoothly.

Qiao Nian was still hooking his head to flip through the blueprints he brought, each one was extremely exquisite, but together it was a colossal monster with full of shocking power.

She knows this aspect herself, and naturally understands what the behemoth behind these blueprints is.

Qiao Nian finished flipping through it in twos and twos, and thought of going with him: "Master Cheng's project?"

"Well, it's finished tonight." Ye Wangchuan ran his fingers through the black hair, and gently dried the moisture from the ends of the girl's hair.

Qiao Nian fell into deep thought and didn't speak for a long time.

after awhile.

She just raised her eyelashes, and looked at him with clear eyes: "Is this what Lu Zhi is here for?"

Ye Wangchuan knew that she had a fateful friendship with Lu Zhi, so he didn't answer this question directly.

Instead, he put the hair dryer into the drawer in an orderly manner, closed the drawer door, and then turned to face her and said, "Nine have ghosts."


Qiao Nian narrowed her eyes and said nothing.

He continued: "The ghost often steals confidential internal documents. We have been trying to catch him, but he hides very deeply and is very vigilant, so he won't take it easily..."

"Bo Jingxing and I have been pretending not to know that he exists. This time, Master Cheng's research project for many years has come to fruition. We want to find out the ghost hidden in the Ninth Institute."

He leaned against the table not far from the girl, put his hands in his pockets, and told Qiao Nian his plan without hesitation: "Nian Nian, I want to use this to fish."

(End of this chapter)

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