Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3111 There are too many suspects, and the identity of the ghost is not clear for the time be

Chapter 3111 There are too many suspects, and the identity of the ghost is not clear for the time being

【Yan Baben's father: My father originally wanted to return these things, but the man insisted that he was your friend, this is a gift for the elders.He doesn't know how to deal with it anymore, let me ask if you want to give the things to you. 】

Jiang Zongnan, this is the most appropriate way to deal with it.

Jiang Li also agreed to leave it to Qiao Nian to decide.

Qiao Nian frowned, and edited the message with her white fingertips: 【Put it there first, don't give it to grandpa. 】

Jiang Li was very obedient, and he didn't ask why he couldn't give Old Man Jiang a "OK" emoji in seconds.

Qiao Nian didn't care about this for the time being.


Because she didn't drink tea, Bao Jingxing made Ye Fangchuan's tea alone, and put a cup of white water for Qiao Nian.

Seeing the girl replying to the message, he tactfully put down the water and walked away.

Bao Jingxing gave Ye Wangchuan the brewed tea, and immediately lifted his chin slightly, and asked him, "Why are you here together?"

"I'm going to have dinner with Mr. Jiang at noon."

Bao Jingxing showed a clear look: "Oh, no wonder."

"The bait has been sprinkled for so long, and the fish still hasn't moved?"

Ye Wangchuan used the tea lid to push away the foam on it, watched the tea leaves rising and falling in the scalding boiling water, raised his eyes, and opened his mouth casually.

"He was more calm than I thought."

Bao Jingxing smiled when he heard this, went around and sat down next to him, and mocked, "You're wrong, the truth is just the opposite."

"Huh?" Ye Wangchuan replied lazily.

Bao Jingxing said: "Since the bait was sprinkled last night, the fish pond should not be too lively, all kinds of monsters and monsters have appeared. There are so many suspects that I can't figure out who is the inner ghost! "

He has eyeliner that can keep an eye on the movements inside the Nine Institutes at any time, and no small movements can escape his eyes.

Jiang Tianzhi had a conflict with Yu Wenhao last night, and he got the news immediately.

Originally, he suspected that Jiang Tianzhi was an inner ghost.

But the series of sudden conflicts this morning made him uncertain again. It seemed that Li Lei was also suspected, but He Wang was not so suspicious.

Li Lei just asked several people to go to the cleaning site where the experimental residues were disposed of to find broken glass...

For a moment, he couldn't be sure whether there might be an inner ghost hidden among the few people who followed him.

Bao Jingxing briefly told Ye Wangchuan all the big and small things that happened in the past nine days, and the more he talked, the more he frowned.

After roughly finishing his speech, he raised his eyes and asked Ye Wangchuan: "Master Wang, who do you think is the most suspect?"

Ye Wangchuan didn't give him a clear answer, and leaned back, with his long legs resting casually on the coffee table: "I don't know, just look it up."

"It's not like you didn't say what you said." Bao Jingxing said so, with a relaxed look on his face.

After all, Ye Wangchuan said so, he was not in such a hurry to find out the inner ghost, as long as he waited, the inner ghost would show his feet sooner or later.

Just then.

There was a knock on his office door.

Bao Jingxing heard it: "Who is looking for me at this time?"

He got up and went to open the door, then turned around to see the men and women in the office.

His office is not big, at least there is no place to hide.

Bao Jingxing reckoned that even if there was a hiding place, there was a high probability that the two big Buddhas would not cooperate with him to hide.

He wanted to understand this, and simply opened the door.

"It's you?"

Bao Jingxing did not expect that the knock on the door happened to be one of the few people he had mentioned.

Seeing the people standing outside, he thought briefly, then turned sideways to make way: "...come in first."

(End of this chapter)

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